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Thread: nx rear lips....

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2008-01-10 22:17:59
nx rear lips....
anyone ever try to rig anything? besides using edm stuff, anyone think any stock lips off another car would work?
2008-01-10 22:41:54
I was eye balling the rear of a Prius the other day. It has a rear lip that I would love to test fit. doubt you can rape one at the boneyard yet....still to new, but you never know
2008-01-10 22:44:21
dude i though the same thing looking at a prius....it might work?
the i saw a mid 90s accord with a small sublt lip that might work too.....
2008-01-10 22:46:31
like this one...

i like that one too....
2008-01-11 23:08:16
I work around wrecked cars, and I've been trying to get a hold of a prius rear lip to see if it will work. From looking at some of them the mounting points are going to be very hard to fit to the rear nx bumper. but ill keep you guys posted.
2008-01-11 23:34:33
i dont think the prius lip will work, look at the rear of a nx its not going to fit/look right.

but give it a shot, maybe im wrong.

2008-01-12 01:05:20
i look the look of the prius one but dont think it will work either.....i thin k tha accord one will work better......any one have one latinfg around?
2008-01-12 01:28:04
Im going to the junk yard tomorrow, ill see if i can get one of those accord lips.
2008-01-12 03:01:12
Ditto on the accord lip. After comparing the 2, visually it wont work, but you can make anything work with a little time and $$$$.
2008-01-12 04:16:32
sometimes all it takes is time and the right tools.
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