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Thread: My trip to the boneyard *BEWARE sad NX's*

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2007-12-21 16:22:34
I find it strange that all these cars have axles and tranny in them. I would have figured they would have been gone by now.

Passenger side axles are hard to come by these days.
2007-12-21 16:41:37
thats why I'm going back I didn't have the right tools on my last visit.
2007-12-21 16:56:22
Save them!!!!
2007-12-21 17:51:25
Tell the guy with the last car it is not worth more than $500.

Motor if good $250
Tranny $300
Front spolier $100
Fogs $30
Wire Harness $100
Axles both $70
Front Brakes $100
ECU $50
Radiator $50
Starter $35
Alt $35
AC compressor $100
4 Engine mount cores $40

Total $1260

Thats the easy sell items above.

I say offer him $700 and double up quick.

You can get another $500 out of this car easy but you will have to sit on it for a bit.
2007-12-21 17:52:50
If you can get the hard top cheap you could build one car for a decent price. They are the same color so no painting there.

Nice Daily beater
2007-12-21 17:54:37
An you would still have alot of parts for sale.

If you bought both cars for say $2000 or less and made one out of 2. You should be able to sell enough parts to make back $1000 and have a nice NX 2000 for $1000
2007-12-21 18:20:10
Yeah, The hard top I'll check on for sure. Its at a pick n pull so haggling shouldn't be a problem. The wrecked one, I'm not to sure of. Those guys a pretty hard up...I tried haggling before. Assholes

Thanks for the advice! I'll check on prices and update
2007-12-21 18:21:25
Originally Posted by XxToKeSxX
Save them!!!!

I'm trying man! If you're still looking for a shell, that hard top is perfect!!
2007-12-21 18:30:48
Originally Posted by kdubL
thats why I'm going back I didn't have the right tools on my last visit.

when are you going back? i'm bored
2007-12-21 18:37:31
Avshi, maybe Saturday afternoon...If not, for sure Sunday. It's all the way in Rancho Cordova, off recycle road, though I know you're all the way over by the ocean, so the drive maybe a little far you.

If you're down for the drive, we can rape some cars!
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