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Thread: My trip to the boneyard *BEWARE sad NX's*

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2007-12-21 03:56:59
My trip to the boneyard *BEWARE sad NX's*
Last weekend, when I should have been shopping for presents *cough* I decided to hit up the local boneyard. Plus I needed a few interior parts anyway I've heard there was a hard top NX in the lot, having never seen one in person, I went to investigate...I head to the very back of the lot, walking past wrecked P10's, Old school Z's and even a bunch of classics (mostly 1.6's) and Datsuns. Anywho, I look up and down and say to my self, where the f*ck is it. Then low and behold I find her, tucked between a B12 & B14. It was definitely a sad sight . Onto the pics...

The body was pretty straight. I did notice some damage underneath the driver side door. Nothing a body shop couldn't...You can kind of see it in the pic. I wish I could of caught it in time...


After being saddened by my first discovery, I set off to find more nick nacks. Guess what I find!? Another NX, this time a t-top...Nothing much is left. Somebody straight raped this one I probably would have done the same thing

Wait! it gets better...Leaving empty handed, and not satisfied. I check another local yard that I frequent. They are a little pricey, but they have pretty decent parts parts.

Anyways, look what I find in the lot!! I asked dude at the counter if I can strip some parts off of it. Basically, he said F*ck off...but you can buy it for $1100...I looked at him crazy and left...

Well, this was my trip...thought I would share my experience. Its not too often that you see an NX, let alone, 3 NX's in one day.

On a side note...I scored an HVAC and those stupid nipple thingys for the hatch lol
Thanks for looking
2007-12-21 04:19:15
The hardtop may be worth saving for someone desperate enough.
2007-12-21 04:54:36
How much would they sell the hardtop for? Did you ask?
2007-12-21 05:27:24
Wow that hardtop has Josh2 written all over it!
2007-12-21 06:00:11
You should have pulled the VIN's and added them to our NX registry...
2007-12-21 06:02:55
You should have pulled the VIN's and added them to our NX registry...

Wish, I could find just 1 NX in a day... You were very lucky. Those little plastic string nipples are very hard to find. If you ever come across more of them, we need them here in Maryland. I think my car is the only one with them intact (and I replaced them this summer!!).
2007-12-21 06:18:48
Originally Posted by DaKow
How much would they sell the hardtop for? Did you ask?

I didn't ask, but if you want I can find out for you btw, the interior is soaked due to the recent rain

Originally Posted by DC
You should have pulled the VIN's and added them to our NX registry...

Wish, I could find just 1 NX in a day... You were very lucky. Those little plastic string nipples are very hard to find. If you ever come across more of them, we need them here in Maryland. I think my car is the only one with them intact (and I replaced them this summer!!).

Scotty, I didn't even think of doing that either...I may be heading back this weekend. If I do, I'll grab the VIN's. Nipple thingys break pretty easy, ask me how I know If i find more, I'll throw them your way
2007-12-21 13:44:00
Originally Posted by paNX2K&SE-R
Wow that hardtop has Josh2 written all over it!

Which Josh - me?

Shoot, I was looking at the front spoiler on that last one thinking it would look good on my car. kdubL - keep me in mind if you can strip that lower spoiler on the last one.....shoot either of the maroon ones.

2007-12-21 16:05:12
I might head down there this weekend. If its still there, its yours The one on the hard top is garbage...
2007-12-21 16:07:58
Originally Posted by kdubL
I might head down there this weekend. If its still there, its yours The one on the hard top is garbage...

find out how much the hard top nx would go for.. i have a feeling someone would turn it into a track car with lightning speed..
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