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Thread: One last track day...

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2011-10-21 23:16:16
hmmm...never heard of that one. been there plenty of times with boost and never sayed anything bout a fire jacket unless its somethin added 1 month ago...count me in fellas!!
2011-10-22 04:08:19
Rick thats what the fuck im talking about! They did break balls for fire jackets last time we went for spring nationals. I told them I was all motor even though I was on the bottle, lol. Lets get it in!
2011-10-22 14:42:21
they are a bunch of nazi's.. you all have fun in jersey, that state stinks other than the area morgans from. And I dont mean stinks as in bad, I mean in literally smells like poopy(I was there yesterday lol)
2011-10-22 17:57:33
Don't be a wing bro. Come down for one last time out!
2011-10-22 18:04:36
Mark had an idea of next sunday Lebanon, I really like that idea
2011-10-22 18:10:37
I said i'd never do a sunday there again. Wake up early and barely get any runs in cause those fuckin bikes get to go run after run.
2011-10-22 21:35:10
If my vag has a car freshner I'll roll down.. All bets are on marsh now, we each gettin a hundino if the car runs by midnight
2011-10-22 21:59:55
Bes whens the last day of etown ?

2011-10-23 08:28:08
Not a 100% strat. They usually run until first snowfall.

I forgot I have an exam Thursday so I said fuck it and we'll hit the track on Sunday morning at Lebanon. School > racing!
2011-10-23 11:22:33
i might make it a weekend trip to ct and put in some work
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