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Thread: Local performance/tuning shop? NY/NJ/CT

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2010-10-20 02:07:50
Local performance/tuning shop? NY/NJ/CT
Hey guys- been off the forum for a bit. Trying to get back into things. Se-r's been sitting for sometime in my inlaws driveway. I've been starting her up and moving her a lil every couple weeks, but today she gave out completely. Had it's own issues. Time to swap in a new motor!

Anyway.. I need a list of good performance or tuning shops that deal with motor swaps. I'm in Westchester County. Preferably with knowledge of Nissans of course.. in NY/NJ/CT. [keep in mind it will have to be towed]

Thanks guys
2010-10-20 12:17:10
What you looking to swap in ? What engine did you blow up?
2010-10-20 12:33:31

.: Home :: Synapse Turbo :.
2010-10-20 14:04:34
Originally Posted by Mr.sentra_specv
What you looking to swap in ? What engine did you blow up?

Didn't exactly blow up it, more like a combination of a few problems that may have caused it to stop for the time being. It probably fixable but the P/S pump is gone, plus leak in the lines, clutch is blown & has been sitting for about a year. I've ran her in place every week or so. I don't know if it worth while to utilize this motor with ~130k. I want to pull p/s, ac (doesn't work anyway), erg/emissions stuff, etc. I'm thinking it would be easier off with a new clean motor (leaning on a VE) to get a nice setup going. OR just pull this motor and build it? ..ultimately looking for a aggresive street car thats somewhat reliable.

Originally Posted by justin2386

.: Home :: Synapse Turbo :.

I was thinking turbo. I don't want anything that's going to give me lots of maintenance issues though. How's reliability going to be? I'll look into that shop.
2010-10-20 14:39:47
How much are you looking to spend? I wouldn't charge much for a VE swap. Then again I am not a shop but have dealt with these for quite a while. As long as you bring everything needed to me, I can swap everything in and wire it up for you. I'm sure I can have plenty of guys vouch for me. See what closer shops say and if interested, you can shoot me a PM.
2010-10-20 15:33:13
Originally Posted by nismo94tuner
How much are you looking to spend? I wouldn't charge much for a VE swap. Then again I am not a shop but have dealt with these for quite a while. As long as you bring everything needed to me, I can swap everything in and wire it up for you. I'm sure I can have plenty of guys vouch for me. See what closer shops say and if interested, you can shoot me a PM.

Bes is the man
2010-10-20 17:37:40
i think you need to figure out what you want out of the car before you do any thing. it looks like your up in the air. do some digging on the forum decied on a path and stick to it. then call on Bes, Jamie or my self and we can get the ball rolling.
2010-10-20 18:15:20
Originally Posted by Mr.sentra_specv
i think you need to figure out what you want out of the car before you do any thing. it looks like your up in the air. do some digging on the forum decied on a path and stick to it. then call on Bes, Jamie or my self and we can get the ball rolling.

I'm reading up as we speak. Been off in the Subaru game for a min and my Nissan knowledge has slipped me. I am heavily leaning on a VE setup. I have no experience with swaps, so I will definitely need some help from my fellow NY guys.
2010-10-20 18:30:23
I was a big turbo guy as well at Rocco. We converted over to the VE side. Jamie(sr20gti-r) also has always had a mean turbo car but fun N/A cars as well. The VE is a great motor to have a quick daily. With basic mods you can make over 200whp. If a mid to low thirteen second car is what you would like along with great reliability, go grab a VE. I see great deals all the time on sr20ve motors. Match that up with an intake, header, and 3'' exhaust. N1 cams and you should have a very fun daily. I drove the piss out of my car for the past year and a half. Made plenty of 100+mph passes down the track. The car was overrevved to 10K or more when I had no rev limiter. When I did have it I pounded the rev limiter. This motor saw 9,000rpm's almost everyday on stock springs/retainers.

I tell everyone go VE but thats just my opinion considering I drive my car everyday.
2010-10-20 18:35:45
the shop i mentioned does do N/A stuff im sure..
they are just reallllyyyy good w/ turbos..

im sure you could build something thats reliable thats turbo though at the same time..
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