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Thread: Lebanon Valley, 7-14-10

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2010-07-07 21:08:35
Lebanon Valley, 7-14-10
A couple of us are trying to go to Lebanon next Wednesday night for their test and tune. Any of you guys interested? Stop with the excuses!
2010-07-07 21:35:33
i am down! not sure what car i might bring tho lol.
2010-07-07 23:42:17
Lol lets get all the VE's together!
2010-07-08 00:58:01
i actually might attend just not with my car...maybe my brothers
2010-07-08 00:59:22
I am going to see if I can get out of work early to head out.
2010-07-08 03:46:18
im there every wednesday! haha

i wanna get a ride in someones VE! lol
2010-07-08 05:11:52
hmmmm....I do believe i have off that day.
2010-07-08 06:03:44
i was confusing this with the dfaction event on august 13th lol

i need to remember numbers of months better
2010-07-08 14:06:27
Lol. I'm trying to spread word to everyone. Hopefully we can get a decent turnout and see what setups net what numbers.
2010-07-09 00:24:39
I just hope the weather holds out cuz it dosen't look promising at the moment . Hopefully the forecast will change for the better when it gets closer.
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