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Thread: 6.26.10 | 11 A.M. | B15U Summer BBQ | Valley Stream State Park N.Y.

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Posts: 21-30 of 41
2010-05-27 04:56:39
JMR is a sponsor, he's getting his already, and they are 12"X18" i have like 30 of them, so figure 1 or 2 per shop. Im gonna try and swing by jmr on friday hopefully.
2010-06-12 18:41:12
I got like 5 names on this forum and on the street theres word of atleast 15 people from here are attending... i just need you guys to speak up so know how much food to buy. its that simple.
2010-06-13 03:19:50
I should be back on LI that weekend.. I'll try to swing by with the B13 for sure
2010-06-14 19:26:12
two more weeks
2010-06-14 22:13:07
maybe ill show up

with my mighty ga16! hahahaha
2010-06-16 22:26:22
yea bring that 1.6! heres a pic of me from last year so you guys know who to look out for in the yellow shirt

2010-06-20 21:55:07
We went shopping for the event yesterday, make sure you guys come hungry lol.
2010-06-24 01:03:46
My friend and I are gonna attend the meet ...see you guys soon!!!!
2010-06-24 14:40:27
what time are you leaving n.j
2010-06-24 22:02:37
nice... we have a lot of food, so dont eat that day lol
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