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Thread: SR20DEEP Meet Pics

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Posts: 31-40 of 198
2010-03-23 02:29:10
Haha yea thats my b13 (Pete).

Jimmy I cant believe I missed that hood that is awesome!

Fridays was CRAZY.
2010-03-23 02:29:22
Cliff your at work all day on the forum and you don't have time to put pics up I need your job lol

give me that gov. money$$$$$
2010-03-23 02:30:28
Pete call me
2010-03-23 03:16:04
Originally Posted by Cliff
Not to worry I'll post them as soon as I upload them all . I haven't had a chance to upload them all yet.

Man you slippin! Hurry up already
2010-03-23 03:47:43
Originally Posted by DEAD
damn fool BG. i nned to see that video of nokia tearing the track apart

No one can come to the brilliance that was displayed in those eight minutes!
2010-03-23 06:46:54
Originally Posted by Setzer
No one can come to the brilliance that was displayed in those eight minutes!

Shes lucky to e alive. lmao
2010-03-23 10:36:31
Originally Posted by DEAD
Shes lucky to e alive. lmao

2010-03-23 10:46:24
Steve - Don't be a hater.

Joel - Not slippin, been busy!

I'll have them up today for SURE.
2010-03-23 11:35:13
guys I checked footage...and I have no video of nokia at the track..yall sure it was on my cam?
2010-03-23 11:38:33
Originally Posted by Setzer
Haha yea thats my b13 (Pete).

Jimmy I cant believe I missed that hood that is awesome!

Fridays was CRAZY.

Thank you bro! Love it or hate it I think it looks 100 times better than the stock faded paint.

Fridays was crazy as hell
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