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Thread: SR20DEEP Annual Meet!!! Aug. 29th CT

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2009-08-30 20:28:25
339 pictures

and bgreen managed to get in to almost everyone of them
2009-08-30 20:32:26
where are the pics
So many people had camera's lets see the photos of the mayhem lest we forget the peach fight that went down between Bgreen and Kelly
2009-08-30 20:45:14
Blurrtt is a beast on the camera son....and jen can't get no jokes past you huh
2009-08-30 20:47:51
Back at PA.

It was a pleasure meeting the NY/CT crew. Thanks goes out to Mark for getting folks together and letting us hang out. Formal apoligies for putting the the Stig in the wall...very unintentional. Good conversations with Happynole about car stuff. Shout out to my boy bgreen, aka. will smith, for the comedy routines...most entertaining. Mucho respect for Jamie, Eric and all the other guys with years of experience wrenching cars and willing to share it...
2009-08-31 01:08:41
Yeah really a pleasure
I enjoyed talking to everyone that I had not me before mostly being Happynole and Hammerin Hank hope to see you guys up here again
2009-08-31 01:09:23
alright post pics already.....LOL let the blackmail begin

Oh and Blurr you need to look me up on facebook... Erick Rosengren
2009-08-31 02:00:30
Le sigh. Too bad I missed this one. Who's down for a mid-winter meet?!!?!?

I need to freeze my fuccking hands off on the karts! Not even gloves will keep you from getting frostbite!
2009-08-31 02:04:15
im in for a mid winter meet because I will be out of school. I'm pissed I missed this one but as we all know there will be plenty more to come.
2009-08-31 02:10:24
I think i'll be able to make it .........lol
2009-08-31 02:10:50
Pics Or Die!?
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