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Thread: Springtime ME/NH/MA meet

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2009-03-10 06:42:43
Springtime ME/NH/MA meet
I heard talk of this in another thread and decided to see if there was anyone who would want to make this happen. we could do it in portsmouth, or boston, or somewhere else. I just wanna make sure its close enough to maine so we could have a caravan. Post your ideas for location, dates you could make it ect. lets do it!
2009-03-10 15:52:25
where ever we meet, it needs to include a drive (or ride in my case) on the Kangamangus Highway
2009-03-10 16:30:07
i meet with some vw and wrx kids in the holyoke mall parking lot every thursday at 6:30 it would be awesome to get more nissans there anyone is more then welcome to come hang out .. we meet in the best buy parking garage second level let me know if anyone is interested!
2009-03-10 18:34:09
i was just thinking of a kang drive! when could we go there? we can meet up with other guys from nh, ma, me,and whoever wants to come. we need dates available

I'd like to drive the whole loop.


2009-03-11 23:47:47
lets make it happen.
2009-03-13 22:06:18
why doesnt everybody meet at a new england dragway import wars and then do a cruise from there its just an idea i have seen a few honda cruises and they had a decent turnout
2009-03-13 23:02:13
that sound like a good idea, meet up there make some runs and go grab some food.
2009-03-14 04:18:12
Let's make it happen
2009-03-14 06:27:01
This sounds like a great idea guys, I just wish we could have made it happen in the last two years I had my car up in the NE

I will keep an eye out and if I will be back up North with the B13, you bet I am in for this!

2009-03-14 12:10:56
This sounds like a good idea set it up.
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