Originally Posted by
If you really looking for feedback you need to be very specific about your mods, all scenarios when this happens, last tune up dates, it could be a simple cleaning of throttle body, when was the last time you took apart egr and unclog it , what are the voltages on tps?, maf?, when was the last time you set up your timing? On crank and dizzy ? Harnes on maf and tps ok? You need to unfuck yourself from this issue by simply specifying and start cancelling out and narrowing the issue
its the tune for sure. many of those items have been taken care of long ago, and this hasn't started until I went nemu. idle was rock steady before. there have been times where I can stable the idle out and it would hold for some time, but it then falls victim to its old jumpy ways.

Originally Posted by
shoot me a message on facebook, i have really good idle stabilization parameters I will share with you.
but yes, you can delete it but you will need to tune your throttle body screw and possibly your throttle cable very precisely and then compensate for the TPS voltage being slightly out of normal operating range. This will throw off your cold start but its what i do on race engines i work on.
will do, I adjusted the tb and it helped for a little while, but then the issue came back. id love to have it solely idle off of the tb, but they car will not start once I have the iac unpluged

Originally Posted by
You can delete it, but better yet would be to take a few logs of the issue and post those and your TCD and I am sure we can help get you squared away!
will do, ill send some emails with the info. I know its something tune related. im very familiar with nemu, but I think this is something that is outside of my knowledge or something im simply not seeing