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Thread: ECU issue...stuck or in safe mode or something

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2015-05-12 21:55:46
ECU issue...stuck or in safe mode or something
Hi I've already sent this to the people of nismotronic but wanted to know if someone had this issue...I was tuning my car to pass the emissions test here in Costa Rica, my car is a Nissan Pulsar GTiR when I was changing some values at the fuel table it stopped logging so I gave it some time and it didn't respond so I closed the tuning software and opened it again and it didn't recognized the ecu anymore...after that the afr became very rich, I parked the car and after that it started, lot of smoke because of the fuel, won't rev over 2500, fans are working directly since it's in ignition and after that it didn't star anymore.

Because of the fans and the limiter I thinks its like in safe mode what can I do to reset it or make it work normally again?
2015-05-13 03:08:13
The car started again but in the same conditions...and rpms are limited to 2000 not 2500
2015-05-13 03:16:59
Sounds like MAF issue
2015-05-13 05:35:02
Does not sound like a MAF issue, sounds like a ECU issue due to the fans coming on as soon as it poweres up.

-Verify that the NEMU board is seated properly on the multi row connector, you have to remove the 4 screws on the top of the ECU to check this.
2015-05-13 09:42:59
cant you go back and load the last "safe " tune you had, and then maybe check for error codes?
2015-05-13 12:05:42
Definently an ECU issue. Do as Dala said.
2015-05-13 19:42:25
It's not MAF, I'm using a 3.5 bar AEM MAP...the last tune can't be loaded because the laptop doesn't recognize de ECU anymore, I tried reinstalling the drivers and software and now the nismotronic demo doesn't update because the ecu isn't recognized.

I think it is like a board's sotware issue because it happened while tuning and before that it was working perfect but I'm going to check the board anyway to discard any possibility.
2015-05-14 13:52:38
Remove the NEMU board and connect the USB to the laptop with the laptop connected to the internet. If the NEMU board is working, Nismotronic should connect to it and allow you to upload and or download the TCD. If Nismotronic won't connect, contact John Kerr for further instructions.

EDIT: If the NEMU is working fine outside the ECU, but fails when plugged into the ECU, the ECU is probably fried.
Last edited by OnTheChip on 2015-05-14 at 13-55-59.
2015-05-14 21:37:48
Ok I did what yo said and the results are the same with the nemu board removed...nismotronic doesn't recognize it, fans still working and a red light on the ecu board is on.

BTW the car started still with a lot of gas and fans on but the 2000 rpm limiter is gone.
2015-05-15 06:01:44
After some more tests the ECU behaved the same with and without the board plugged it's like if it wasn't there like it's dead and I tried with another computer, the computer installed the drivers automatically as soon as the USB was plugged in but the nismotronic won't connect, update doesn't download as the first time and the emulator and logger status keep disconnected
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