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Thread: TunerView App Testers Needed!

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2015-04-29 09:17:19
If anybody get error, find bug/problem..etc, feel free to contact me at peter@hrtuning.com.
2015-12-24 04:50:03
Originally Posted by Péter
If anybody get error, find bug/problem..etc, feel free to contact me at peter@hrtuning.com.

Was playing with this app today. Maf voltage does not work, injector is a bit confusing but if it can be injector duty cycle that would be awesome. There were a few other bugs I don't remember off the top.of.my head but otherwise, pretty awesome stuff.
2015-12-28 08:56:23
@Péter Linszter

I used the app alot the previous summer. I loved being able to see when outputs trigger, helped a lot when I configured the water injection.

I really enjoyed the logging features, but they contain a few bugs. I already reported them on a separate forum, those of you who already tested the log viewer probably know what I'm talking about.

I just wish flex-fuel % was an view-able parameter!
2015-12-31 09:51:17
Originally Posted by zeneffect
Originally Posted by Péter
If anybody get error, find bug/problem..etc, feel free to contact me at peter@hrtuning.com.

Was playing with this app today. Maf voltage does not work, injector is a bit confusing but if it can be injector duty cycle that would be awesome. There were a few other bugs I don't remember off the top.of.my head but otherwise, pretty awesome stuff.

Thanks i will check that.
2015-12-31 09:53:54
Originally Posted by Dala
@Péter Linszter

I used the app alot the previous summer. I loved being able to see when outputs trigger, helped a lot when I configured the water injection.

I really enjoyed the logging features, but they contain a few bugs. I already reported them on a separate forum, those of you who already tested the log viewer probably know what I'm talking about.

I just wish flex-fuel % was an view-able parameter!

Can you email me with the details of the bugs?
2015-12-31 12:44:19
I have sent you an email.

Looking forward to integrating an android unit to my car in 2016! Happy new year everyone!
2015-12-31 18:04:43
My android head unit does not pair with the bt module doh!

Pretty sure it's a firmware or software issue in the head. I can still get tunerview on the display using mirrorlink and phone as host though.

Any way to get tunerview to force pair on its own? The bt module won't pair natively.

Eonon 1312, same as pumpkin or a dozen others out there. Dala what unit do you have?
Last edited by zeneffect on 2015-12-31 at 18-06-02.
2015-12-31 18:19:12
Originally Posted by zeneffect
My android head unit does not pair with the bt module doh!

Pretty sure it's a firmware or software issue in the head. I can still get tunerview on the display using mirrorlink and phone as host though.

Any way to get tunerview to force pair on its own? The bt module won't pair natively.

It's device issue and i can't do anything with that.
2015-12-31 18:26:52
Is their any know working head units?
2015-12-31 18:35:11
Originally Posted by D-Unit121
Is their any know working head units?

Been on the search for that. No idea in single din fashion.

My theory is the bluetooth stack is incomplete on the head unit side, or there is a device type limitation. If the hardware is present, then the only limiting factor is software. The head unit comes pre-rooted, so I'm pretty sure that the android community could fix this. It does support elm327 units... I'll have to dig into this code and do a little more research. I found a mod that removes a naming limitation but it does not pair still.

If I find a solution I will share it for sure, and I will be searching for one. I'm convinced that a custom rom or similar can fix this.
Last edited by zeneffect on 2015-12-31 at 18-57-12.
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