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Thread: TunerView App Testers Needed!

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2015-02-18 15:16:58
TunerView App Testers Needed!
So, as most of you know the Android TunerView app is in development for the NismoTronicSA system.

This allows you to view your engine data right on your Android device via bluetooth.

We are looking for a few Beta testers to test this app before release to ensure functionality before public release.

The app can be found here.


You will also need a bluetooth module for your NEMU so your Android device.

NEMU Bluetooth Adapter, NismoTronic - Nissan ECU Tuning

If you would like to be included in the development please email

Peter@hrtuning.com - Péter Linszter
2015-02-18 15:29:29
How do we install the bluetooth adapter?


zoom out and you will see the pic
Last edited by D-Unit121 on 2015-02-18 at 15-52-35.
2015-02-18 15:37:31
Ordered. I will Not have my car out until April but I will see if it connects and communicates.
2015-02-18 15:42:12
Originally Posted by D-Unit121
How do we install the bluetooth adapter?


I'll be getting this for sure. Very cool
2015-02-18 15:44:11
If you look at the dongle there is a plug on the end, it will simply plug into the PBS and I would assume an update to the la test firmeare.
2015-02-18 15:46:55
Originally Posted by squirlz
If you look at the dongle there is a plug on the end, it will simply plug into the PBS and I would assume an update to the la test firmeare.

ah, i zoomed out of the page and now i see

guess the picture was formated for 1080p
2015-02-18 15:58:18
I will order shortly. Car will be up and running in the next week or so!
2015-02-18 18:54:35
Will also order shortly. Will this work with the normal PC-based software to allow a wireless connection (because eventually I'm gonna smash my laptop when I get tangled up in the USB cord...)
2015-02-18 20:56:38
apple version for the simple ppl?

if its just a plug-in i'd be in for one of those.
2015-02-18 21:00:47
Originally Posted by sss4me
apple version for the simple ppl?

if its just a plug-in i'd be in for one of those.

Doubt it. Apple doesn't allow serial over bluetooth (See: iOS: Supported Bluetooth profiles - Apple Support ). That means that stuff like this and all the bluetooth OBD2 dongles just can't talk to i-devices. You need a much more complicated WiFi Ad-Hoc solution, which is why things like ODB2 adapters that work with Apple cost more.
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