I've been reading up more of the battery offset and all the things that go into the calculations needed for properly opening and closing the injectors. Now one problem I had with my old nx was with the 1000cc injectors I would have hunting and idle stabilty issues. To remedy this, even after a professional tune, I increased the idle rpms to around 1100rpm. Its a bandaid in my eyes and would like to come up with a solution to help releave low rpm issue with large injectors. Now I understand that the injector linear to nonlinear flow rate is compensated and calculated through many variables any the one ever changing, unpredictable variable is voltage. And with the voltage issues thatany of us have come across with highly modified cars, it cab play hell on the tune. My idea is to run a voltage regulator set anywhere between 13-14v depending on the integrity of the charging system. Allowing for a much more predictable and constant variable that the ecu can use to calculate proper pulswidth. Now to implement this though the ecu would have to be able to see that the battery offset at the injectors is different from the actually charging system voltage. Would there be any way of setting this up in nismotronic so that the injector calculations are based off the regulated voltage at the injectors vs system voltage?