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Thread: Basic OBD1 Nissan ECUs - Plug n Play

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2012-01-31 17:09:03
Basic OBD1 Nissan ECUs - Plug n Play
Looking for a chipped OBD1 ECU? We have a solution to fit any application!

We offer pre-chipped OBD1 B13 ECUs that are ready to plug n play when they arrive to you!

Pricing for these ECUs are as follows:
Basic B13 ECU - $200 Shipped
Basic S13 KA24DE ECU - $200 Shipped
International Shipping - $30

These ECUs include a Moates Dual Chip daughterboard and a basemap programmed for your specific setup. This basemap is intended to be used to get you around and/or get you to a tuner. I will get them as close as I can without seeing the vehicle, but it is up to you to get it tuned!

To place an order shoot me a PM or place the order directly through the NismoTronic web store!

When purchasing an ECU off the website, please remember to fill out the ECU chipping form located HERE.
Last edited by JKTUNING on 2012-07-28 at 03-43-11.
2012-01-31 20:09:47
Awsome. These ecus are realtime also ?

2012-01-31 20:32:21
Originally Posted by STRATTON
Awsome. These ecus are realtime also ?


nope, but the Nemu board is.
2012-01-31 23:12:36
Originally Posted by STRATTON
Awsome. These ecus are realtime also ?


These are just basic ECUs .. for the more simplistic setups that need to get running. I of course recommend the NEMU realtime ECUs, but this will do for some people.

I have another thread that has the NEMU realtime package listed! It is actually a sticky at the top of this forum.
2012-02-01 00:21:06
Question, would a basic b13 ecu be good with bigger injectors, and basic upgrades?
2012-02-01 00:22:53
Originally Posted by JKTUNING
These are just basic ECUs .. for the more simplistic setups that need to get running. I of course recommend the NEMU realtime ECUs, but this will do for some people.

I have another thread that has the NEMU realtime package listed! It is actually a sticky at the top of this forum.

great ! i currently run a aem series two on my nx.

if i do every build another sr20 car i will deff be using one of your ecus.

2012-02-01 02:12:21
Originally Posted by trbogoo
Question, would a basic b13 ecu be good with bigger injectors, and basic upgrades?

The basic ECU works to get you going, and will definitely work with bigger injectors and basic upgrades. BUT it is always recommended to have your car professionally tuned.

If you are looking to do the tuning yourself, then the NEMU package is the best and easiest option!
2012-02-01 03:00:56
Thats the part that scares me...lol

So if I want I can send you a ecu, and all of my mods and you will make it to match those?
2012-02-01 03:52:52
Originally Posted by trbogoo
Thats the part that scares me...lol

So if I want I can send you a ecu, and all of my mods and you will make it to match those?

Which is the part that scares you?

Yes, you can send in an ECU and I can install a basic daughterboard into the ECU and set you up with a base tune that will get you going.
2012-02-01 15:38:45
The tuning part...one wrong move...no starting...or boom..lol
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