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Thread: Hello! 1991 SE-R Owner From The PNW USA Here

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2020-08-23 18:11:57
Hello! 1991 SE-R Owner From The PNW USA Here
Hello everybody. I am the owner of a daily driven, nearly all stock 1991 SE-R and I'm in the Pacific Northwest.

It's awesome to find a place where these cars and engines are still so enjoyed. I'm not much of anything of a mechanic besides some general maintenance and upkeep like oil changes, brake jobs, fuel pump and similar smaller scale projects. So I could definitely benefit from soaking up some knowledge.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to drive my Sentra for the last couple of months because of a fuel injector install gone wrong. It's beyond my general knowledge and skill set and although I have an idea of what went wrong, I'd rather learn more about my options before pursuing a way to hopefully get it running again. I won't get too much further into it until I have a proper look around the forums and see if there's any similar issues that have already been posted about or if I find the proper place to ask the questions that I have. It's one of those situations where I'm not looking forward to the work and funds that will probably be required to possibly getting it running again, but I might as well learn more about it in the process so it doesn't happen in the future. That's the way things go sometimes, I guess.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and having fun with their rides. Peace.
2020-08-24 13:58:36
It is pretty easy to change injectors. I changed mine in my G20, recently.Two lower O-rings on the injector were busted, causing massive fuel to enter the engine.

2020-08-25 08:39:48
Welcome to the forum. With your skills, I'm pretty sure you can also deal with the injectors.
When you get the chance, make a thread with more details in the General SR20 section and we'll help out.

2021-02-06 12:52:53
Welcome aboard....research, read, learn and post.
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