Originally Posted by
metro_se-r Anyone else try the Chumpcar series as well? I find it to be better (at least here on the East coast) just on the fact that you don't have 140 cars on a 2 mile track.
I've done LeMons, Chump, and also World Racing League, those are the three series that run in Texas. It has been many years since I've seen a LeMons race get above 80-90 cars entered, and being LeMons there are never that many on the track at once. On a 2+ mile track, it is manageable. Once Chump started up here, it took a chunk of cars away from the LeMons races, which I guess is a good thing.
Chump here typically has 40 cars or so, depending on the track and paddock space available. WRL I've only driven at one track (Texas World Speedway), and I think they had about 50 there.
Many of the same people at LeMons and Chump here, driving styles pretty evenly matched between those two series. The trick is to watch people and try to figure out ahead of time who's new out there and who isn't, before they do something stupid. WRL I found to have a much more aggressive driving style, and there was a much more serious mismatch of cars out there. Chump and LeMons both seem to have a good balance, but WRL had a number of NASA and other such cars out there driving for blood. Fortunately, being an endurance race, that crowd thinned greatly by the second day. LOL