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Thread: Hi forum!

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2015-01-02 10:36:37
Hi forum!
Im not usually much of a forum person, but I had to give up my NX2000 a few months back and I thought here would be a good place to sell off all the spare parts I have to other NX owners...
2015-01-14 12:49:04
So it appears that my time being a non NX owner was short lived. Ive just picked up a blue one with a SR20VET. It belonged to a friend who had to give it up due to the whole family thing. Right now its built for drag. I'm hoping to buy another NX2000 and set it up as a street car. It's running an aftermarket ECU already (Megasquirt I think). I've had a 92 1600 and a 91 2000 Already.

I dont use forums a lot so I don't really know why I can't post in the NX area yet.
I'm interested in doing some sort of low profile radiator. The turbo is stupid close to the stock one and I cant fit both fans on there right now. I've seen pics with a radiator that looks like its under the front bracket. Can anyone clue me in on this?
2015-01-15 16:44:08
You can move your fans to the front, change the polarity, and make them pushers.

Other guys use a 1/2-sized Honda radiator to make room for monster sized turbos. SE-Rican and several other drag racing aficionados do this.

Somewhere in this new section they tell you how long you have to wait to post outside this section. It keeps over-eager newbs from running crazy, or spam-bots doing their thing. Not that you are either one, but that's why it's there.

I *thought* it was for 3 days or something. Maybe it's longer.

Ben will know what's up, he's one of our Mods. He'll be able to fix it if there is some computer glitch not allowing you to post.

Welcome to the forum.
2015-01-15 16:47:21
And....for some reason the Forum Rules link does not work so I can't check on the newb quarantine time-frame, but there is no way it is from the 2ond to the 15th. That's ridiculous.

Ben will fix it. He got the mad computer skills.
2015-01-15 19:28:33
welcome..the more eggs the merrier!
2015-01-15 19:58:32
Welcome. Most of us can't read...so post up some pics!
2015-01-15 23:18:02
I could look it up, but I believe it is 24 hours of membership and maybe 5-10 posts before a user can post outside of the New Members section. I don't love it either, but I haven't decided to do much about it just yet. One thing I can say, we get almost no more spam on the forum since many of these things went into place, so they do work.

Just post a bit more and you'll be able to venture outside. And if you want, I can move this thread elsewhere when that happens if you'd like.
2015-01-16 07:35:33
Alright here are some shots of the NX2000VET  photo IMG_8655_zps9c96672e.jpg  photo IMG_8654_zps1cafe8d3.jpg Crackheads have made off with my NeoVVL Badge but the stickum is still there. It's built for drag racing but I'm hoping to tone it down for street status. The current tune is a little harsh. The tires break loose when the VVL hits. Im gonna search my facebook and my abandoned myspace to find pics of my old NXs. I've been driving them for 7 years now...
2015-01-16 11:20:34
Here are some shots of my 1991 NX2000 that I sold to a friend last year. I may be buying it back to put the VE into it.
Never did decide weather I liked the rims better black or silver!
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The Beemer in the background is the ex's I hated that thing!
2015-01-17 07:18:52
Here is my nx1600 my first the first one. I had bought the white NX as a parts car but it was in such good shape I ended up keeping it.

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