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Thread: New Guy in Town

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2014-10-23 19:07:39
New Guy in Town
Hey everyone just joined. Been lurking here for a while. I'm Lou from NH. I own a `69 Datsun 510 2-Door with all the typical mods and some. Power is provided by a S14 SR20DE hence why I decided to join. It isn't a daily driver and gets put up during winter but come Spring time and Oh my!!!

Been into 510's since `75 and Datsun's since `72 and have owned three. Current 510 purchased in `93 from a good friend in Whittier, Ca,,,Oh Ya I'm originally from Whittier, Ca don't ask. So flew out got the 510 up and running`94 and drove it back to NH. It was a mess but was rust and damage free. So I tore it down to a shell and proceded the restore. Got it back on the road in Sept `97 and been driving it every where since. As soon as I read up on adding pics I'll do just that.

2014-10-23 19:33:31
That is awesome. I look forward to some pictures later of some vintage Datsun goodness. Welcome to the forum.
2014-10-23 19:42:02
Thanks Kyle and I'll get some up as soon as time let's me.
2014-10-24 02:13:22
Yes, yes welcome and +1 for pics when you can.
2014-10-24 03:23:21
woo yeah another Datsun sr20.Welcome.In for pics
2014-11-01 02:22:39
Welcome my fellow rwd brethren!
2014-11-01 02:39:38
Welcome! In for the picture update
2014-11-07 15:15:43
Ok I think I got it,,,,pic of my `69 510
2014-11-07 21:36:07
Originally Posted by Three
Ok I think I got it

- - - Updated - - -

This one?

Last edited by 1fastser on 2014-11-07 at 21-37-19.
2014-11-10 21:31:54
I see a five-dime.
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