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Thread: STL: get together?

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2008-08-19 13:44:21
How about September 6th at Chuck a Burger in St. John? After reading a little about the place, it seems like a pretty cool car-type of place. And apparently the one in St. John was supposed to close - their website still lists it as 1 or 2 locations.

Maybe shoot for 5pm, or what about times?

Anyone have any objections?

2008-08-19 15:45:08
Hmm, I thought this was a lunch thing. I might be able to make it that late, but I may not. If it were around noon-1 I could for sure make it. But I think you should do it whenever most people prefer.
2008-08-20 02:26:14
The fiance and I would probably be able to make that.
2008-08-20 03:36:31
I'll be back in the St Louis area on Labor Day weekend.
2008-08-21 21:25:47
Originally Posted by BBYE
Hmm, I thought this was a lunch thing. I might be able to make it that late, but I may not. If it were around noon-1 I could for sure make it. But I think you should do it whenever most people prefer.

Originally Posted by Fosters
Maybe shoot for 5pm, or what about times?

I was just throwing out times. 1:30pm or 2pm would probably be the earliest I could make, but I don't mind showing up late if need be.

Originally Posted by gomba
I'll be back in the St Louis area on Labor Day weekend.

We could move it to Aug. 30th to allow Lucas to hangout. That might not work well for Steve (he can always bring his buddy). I'm not trying to dictate everything - just throwing ideas out and trying to get a consensus.

The rest of you guys are being awful quiet....
2008-08-21 22:27:00
I'm just trying to feel out what everyone else is thinking. my next couple of months are jam packed, so unfortunately I can't give a definite.
2008-08-28 13:01:52
I'm guessing it is time to bump this up, and settle the time/date issue. Let's do September 6th at 1:30pm at the Chuck a Burger. That won't work for Lucas unfortunately, but I wonder how busy the place would be on a holiday weekend, and I don't know how many others would have conflicting plans.

Lucas, feel free to give me a yell or stop by this weekend if you want to hangout/BS.

See you guys in 9 days.

2008-08-28 14:37:36
I want to meet up with you guys but I don't know if I'm working yet. Hopefully I'll see you there.
2008-08-28 18:36:55
Originally Posted by Fosters
I'm guessing it is time to bump this up, and settle the time/date issue. Let's do September 6th at 1:30pm at the Chuck a Burger.
See you guys in 9 days.


Sounds good to me, you know I'll be there.
2008-09-01 00:23:26
Originally Posted by Fosters
I'm guessing it is time to bump this up, and settle the time/date issue. Let's do September 6th at 1:30pm at the Chuck a Burger. That won't work for Lucas unfortunately, but I wonder how busy the place would be on a holiday weekend, and I don't know how many others would have conflicting plans.

Lucas, feel free to give me a yell or stop by this weekend if you want to hangout/BS.

See you guys in 9 days.


bah, I just checked this message again and I'm headed out tomorrow. Each time I come back there seems to be a bunch of things that need fixing and I don't have much time to do other stuff.

Next time I'm back in town we're going to have to set up a day to meet up for a bite to eat or something. I should be back again around Thanksgiving. Have fun on the 6th! Chuck A Burger sounds good
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