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Thread: reputable engine swap shop near NM

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2011-09-20 17:25:58
The engine is original with 240k. I don't feel comfortable with adding a turbo to an engine with that many miles.
2011-09-20 17:53:38
There is a local shop called NMImports that does high end nissan stuff, so I am gonna check them out and see what they can do.
2011-09-20 18:02:31
Look them up on the BBB web sight too. Look around the shop ask the guy questions that you know the answers for and see if he gives you the right response or just some fluff bullshyt to try and get you leave money.
2011-09-20 19:55:22
Originally Posted by Vadim
Moved to Midwest section.

How is New Mexico in the Midwest? We are in the Southwest.
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