This was really a bad weekend. Scotty thru a rod on the way to the shop.
Tow truck driver was mad slow so the tow took a while, then he couldnt get on base cause he had expired tags.
What kind of crap is that! We did drop Scotty's motor out
Then on the way home we got stuck in traffic for 2 hrs on the way back from Jenc shop because of a motor cycle accident. I had to pee on da highway. We left Jen shop around 6 and didn't get to Scotty house til 10 or so. My wife was upset because I didn't get home til 11. Everything that could have went wrong yesterday did. Grrrrr!! The bright side is the Demo hauls for a N/A stocker. So open traffic was fun
And somebody please speak with Jenc about his right foot, that boy got problems
We aint never helpin him put a turbo on his car. LOL!!!