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Thread: Weekly meets!! April

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2008-04-10 00:49:25
^^ why would you get 3 sets of rod bearings? they're so many variance and it is cheap and easy to get.

hold up, are you starting you swap this month? what else are you missing?

Jensen, that means your going to have like 5-6 cars sitting for a couple of weeks. I don't think thats a good idea, I'm willing to leave mine in the backyard for a few weeks if needed.
2008-04-10 01:00:49
Jensen, is it cool if I use the paint booth to re-clearcoat the front end of my S13? I plan on hand sanding it down to the base with 400 grit, covering the back half of the car, and then rattle-can clearing it. This doesn't need to be an expert job since I'm putting the car up for sale in a week or so.
2008-04-10 18:47:57
Jensen asked for your number, but I forgot to give it to him.
2008-04-10 22:09:44
Me or diamond? Jensen has my number in his PM box.
2008-04-10 23:12:19
Originally Posted by Keo
^^ why would you get 3 sets of rod bearings? they're so many variance and it is cheap and easy to get.

hold up, are you starting you swap this month? what else are you missing?

Jensen, that means your going to have like 5-6 cars sitting for a couple of weeks. I don't think thats a good idea, I'm willing to leave mine in the backyard for a few weeks if needed.

I ordered 4 of each grade, cause I don't know exactly which grades I will need. I also ordered the Valve Cover gasket and the rear main seal.

AFAIK, I have everything to get the engine running with no boost. I am not sure about the amount of IC piping I have. I would like the swap to have been done last month, but I'd just as well settle for this one if possible.

There are a few odds and ends I would like to pick up but nothing that should keep my vehicle from at least running.
2008-04-11 00:36:13
they're a guy selling a complete hotshot intercooler kit for the G20

edit: added link
2008-04-11 01:17:24
i dunno whats going on but we need to have one project car at a time here i cant have so many cars just chilling. to be fair i would say first come first serve. if your car gets here first then we will work on that car... i dont wanna be a asshole or whatever but things need to be a bit in order around here.

i cant have just cars comming in left and right and just chilling to whenever you get around to finishing it... this is not directed toward anybody just in general on what im trying to say. we already had one of thoes types of people here and i dont want another person like that around this shop
2008-04-11 01:38:45
^^ figured so, I'm willing to push mine back and get bmoresr20 out first. since he is helping me get some of my stuff and it might be alittle easier.

worse case, I can take a week off to do my car, but before I do that, I want to make sure I have everything.

but that's for May, I won't have much time at all this month to help anyone.
2008-04-11 01:51:36
I'm planning on coming up this weekend to rattlecan the front of the S13 and change the ATF. I'll be in and out in the same day, probably Sunday.
2008-04-11 02:16:45
its cool.. man^^^ im just trying to let people know that i cant just have cars chilling at my job at the same time.. 1.. maybe 2 but no more then that...
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