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Thread: Just wanna say thanks!!

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2010-09-24 13:46:31
Just wanna say thanks!!
Well, straight to it then, I just want to say thanks to the local guys in being so kind to answer all my questions (be it, that most were fairly simple and straightforward). It has helped immensely (as non-complex as the problems have been) in getting everything together and up and running!! Only a few minor issues need to be sorted at this point

I would like to give a shot out to Brad, Cliff and Joel (and whoever else I have forgotten) for answering all my questions I have posed over the past few months


(p.s. yes I know, I am TERRIBLE at returning PMs at times )
2010-09-24 14:14:02
No worries
2010-09-24 17:55:42
Ohhh, and Vadim as well!!

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