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Thread: Starting problem help

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2008-02-17 15:18:57
ya I did check the underhood fuses...I do have a extra ECU gonna try that...thnx
2008-02-17 18:23:17
Originally Posted by Masik
ya I did check the underhood fuses...I do have a extra ECU gonna try that...thnx

Did you check the ignition switch? That's more likely than a bad ECU.
2008-02-17 19:44:50
well I switched the ECU and checked ALL the fuses and fusable links...228k_ser nahh I give up buddy I'm f***ng sending to Hall Nissan on Tues hopefully they can fix it without ripping me a new one

Hopefully I can get I back quick so i can goto the Mt. Trashmore Meet!
2008-02-18 14:55:13
Originally Posted by Masik
I'm f***ng sending to Hall Nissan on Tues hopefully they can fix it without ripping me a new one

Hopefully I can get I back quick so i can goto the Mt. Trashmore Meet!

They should just be able to tell you what the problem is for free or for low cost. Then just fix it yourself or if you need help let me know.
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