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Thread: Big Thanks To Forum Members

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2008-02-12 00:29:46
Big Thanks To Forum Members
Well here goes my story....

I called DC scotty up to go pick some items up and let him kno that i was on my way... i was about 45 minutes into my trip when i herd a loud thumb noise.. it kind of scared me but my car didnt act any diffrent. i went towards the baltimore tunnle toll and proceded on with my trip. i made it past the tunnle and when i go to the other side my car started to vibrate... i started to kind of worried a lil. i got off the next exit when everything went back to normali I hit 295 and thats when my luck ran out. my car started to swerve back and forth and began to slide toward the right... i got off the next exit which was about 100 feet in front of me. thank god!.. got out of the car and my back left tire was in pieces.. i couldent belive it. i still had about another hour to drive and no were near any place i would call home... i was stuck on a grassy hill i drove up next to the on ramp....

i started to call everyone.. pete(was at work) keo(was at work) the closes person to me was steve(was at dinner) then john (didnt pick up) everyone else wouldent have helped me because the rest of them didnt drive nissans and i needed a nissan spare...i got a hold of DC scotty and he said he will leave ASAP(because i had no spare) now this guy lives about 1 and a half hours away from me...then he called joel which i didnt even think to call because he stays busy. luckly i broke down right down the street from his job so he called me up and said scotty told me to come down. why you aint call me first CHUMP! lol...Well i waited about a hour broke down while everyone just looked at me. i would think about a thousand cars went by but nobody offerd to help or asked if i was ok... f u cking people.. Finally joel came in the wrong way up the curb on the on ramp driving his forrester haha it was great to see that lol.. and came in with his bag off tools lol.. that dude always got stuff in his car....

i came to find out that i did have a spare but it wouldent have done me no good because 1 it was out of air(didnt know this yet).. 2 i didnt have the 4 way to break the lugs n e ways and 3 the jack i had was missing the tool to spin it. All i could do was laught. shortly after putting on my spare (and finding out it had no air) scotty showed up with 4 nx wheels with tires and 2 extra tires.. it was heaven to see a tire full of air lol...

I just want to thank JOEL AKA STRONG ARM AND SCOTTY for comming to my rescue i owe you guys a big thanks and if there is anything you guys need let me know...

moral of this story.. make sure your tires are good.... make sure you have all the tools neccessery to change your tire if it goes flat( jack, jack tool, 4 way) and make sure you have A GOOD SPARE WITH AIR!!!... If not i hope you have good friends to help you out or your screwed......

and guess what i was going to pick up from scotty?????? f u cking tires aint that some s h i t!
2008-02-12 00:37:27
lol, glad to see you made it home. sorry I couldn't help out!
2008-02-12 00:38:52
thats ok im at the shop now switching out these tires with the one he gave me lol. im all scared to go fast now thinking something else is going to break.

im going to post pics later of the tire
2008-02-12 01:50:57
Originally Posted by jen36
and guess what i was going to pick up from scotty?????? f u cking tires aint that some s h i t!

Glad your car is ok, that could have ended up a lot worse. Could've happened on a warmer day, though.
2008-02-12 02:27:47
hell yeah i was freezing my ass off lol.. i had the car on for the most part of the wait. i turned it off and attempted to wait but it got cold so fast that i had to turn it back on... the funny part about it is im driving with a dying battery so when i left the flashers on(maybe bout 10 minutes or so.. the ****ing car wouldent start lol.. so i had to jump the car with my jump pack
2008-02-12 03:29:26
yea he called me.................and all i had to say was "to bad you dont smoke, or you'd have something to do" im such a dick

iv come to the rescue before so im allowed

anywho, atleast you were going in the general direction of everyone, you could have been on your way to jersy or something like that, NOBODY is up there.
2008-02-12 04:02:27
Jen.. Couldnt leave you stranded dude...
Especially, when you were finally coming over to my crib!!

No Problem Dude.. I would do it for any of you guys..
It was cold, in rush hour traffic, getting dark next to the cemetary,
AND you were actually 2 blocks from the getto (they would like your car & money)!!

I couldnt decide what was faster: Driving to you or calling AAA!!
But, you didnt have a working spare! So, the drive was it..
My man Joel is soooo kewl.. He's alway busy but when you need him:
He's there for you !!!
2008-02-12 04:08:01
Originally Posted by classicaddict
yea he called me.................and all i had to say was "to bad you dont smoke, or you'd have something to do" im such a dick

iv come to the rescue before so im allowed

anywho, atleast you were going in the general direction of everyone, you could have been on your way to jersy or something like that, NOBODY is up there.

i know lol damn jersey guys are all spread out. i dont even kno anybody up state to tell you the truth i know everyone going down south lol...

and yeah your a dick you just laughed and said to bad you dont smoke.. in the back of my head i was like fu cking pete

but yeah you have came before so its all good

Originally Posted by DC
Jen.. Couldnt leave you stranded dude...
Especially, when you were finally coming over to my crib!!

No Problem Dude.. I would do it for any of you guys..
It was cold, in rush hour traffic, getting dark next to the cemetary,
AND you were actually 2 blocks from the getto!!

I couldnt decide what was faster: Driving to you or calling AAA!!
But, you didnt have a working spare! So, the drive was it..
My man Joel is soooo kewl.. He's alway busy but when you need him:
He's there for you !!!

thanks scotty. i just notice that i put the directional tires on the same side ......so now i have to take the tire off flip it around and put it back on so they both can be up front..god i wanna finish this s h it lol... maybe next time i will make it to your house
2008-02-12 04:17:54
lol, everyone is kissing each others ass!
2008-02-12 04:19:20
lol you would be too if they came and save your ass in the middle of nowere
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