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Thread: GOL GTi 93's issue with Rob

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2010-04-30 21:40:28
Let´s see how they deal with that crime.
Thanks everyone.

DO NOT BUY FROM ROB FIG , streath6@gmail.com or eklipzgsxkid@hotmail.com or theforced-inductionguys, that´s the names he uses.
2010-05-15 15:48:53
2010-09-22 21:32:30
Refund From Rob Fig
Hi everyone!
Just passing by to say that ROB FIG sent me a money order that I´ll probably receive the money on Oct, 20th.

I´ll inform everyone when I get my money from the bank.

Thanks for your help
2010-09-22 21:48:42
Holy shit that's some news right there.
2010-09-23 01:26:51

This has been taken care of since may...... I just never updated the thread because I am not a true member of this site, Neither is Eduardo... He is a random lurker, Aswell as I myself only signing up to this site to try to straighten out the facts.

Eduardo recieved the money awhile back already, But his bank apparently takes a CRAZY amount of time to actually give him the money.

If anyone is actually concerned about this, I can give you all of the paper work.

I made sure I don't get screwed, And neither does eduardo. I walked into my local PD, And asked for a detective. I had HIM take the money order that I got 5 min previous at my bank, And gave him it. I made him photocopy the money order, and the money order reciept. I then explained the situation to him and gave him all of eduardo's information. He then said he would personally ship the payment, From the PD. This way, If it is said to be ''never recieved'', Then it's the Police departments name on the line.

I also just went to my bank monday being eduardo stated that he did not recieve the money yet after almost 4 months. My bank had paperwork faxed from eduardo's bank showing the money order had been handed in at their bank, And credited. So, I got a fax of that aswell from my bank.

I won't be looking back on here being it's been months already since this has been taken care of, But either way, For anyone who wanted to make this their business, There you have it. After straightening everything out and getting all the facts straight, I quick ran down on my own and got the almost $1,000 payment, And instantly did what I said above.
2010-09-23 04:42:23
Originally Posted by not

This has been taken care of since may...... I just never updated the thread because I am not a true member of this site, Neither is Eduardo... He is a random lurker, Aswell as I myself only signing up to this site to try to straighten out the facts.

Eduardo recieved the money awhile back already, But his bank apparently takes a CRAZY amount of time to actually give him the money.

If anyone is actually concerned about this, I can give you all of the paper work.

I made sure I don't get screwed, And neither does eduardo. I walked into my local PD, And asked for a detective. I had HIM take the money order that I got 5 min previous at my bank, And gave him it. I made him photocopy the money order, and the money order reciept. I then explained the situation to him and gave him all of eduardo's information. He then said he would personally ship the payment, From the PD. This way, If it is said to be ''never recieved'', Then it's the Police departments name on the line.

I also just went to my bank monday being eduardo stated that he did not recieve the money yet after almost 4 months. My bank had paperwork faxed from eduardo's bank showing the money order had been handed in at their bank, And credited. So, I got a fax of that aswell from my bank.

I won't be looking back on here being it's been months already since this has been taken care of, But either way, For anyone who wanted to make this their business, There you have it. After straightening everything out and getting all the facts straight, I quick ran down on my own and got the almost $1,000 payment, And instantly did what I said above.

And what about the fake turbo that you sold to us?

You even offered a ceramic coat to the turbine housing and all I got is a cheap knock off

I'd like to hear some good news too

2010-09-23 10:44:09
Then contact me through email, Rather then on a forum I have nothing to do with. Emails get taken care of a bit more seriously, Compared to spam on some internet car forum that I have no interest in, Where 100 other people who know nothing about the situation, Try to make it their business, And only make it worse. If you truly had a problem, It could have been resolved instantly. When it gets posted online where a million ''kids'' chime in knowing nothing about what is going on, Then it makes it worse and turns into a huge battle, With nothing actually getting resolved.
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