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Thread: GOL GTi 93's issue with Rob

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2010-04-22 14:27:30
GOL GTi 93's issue with Rob
Cliff notes: GOL GTi 93 bought something from Rob (not a spammer.). Something didn't work out so he posted on a bunch of old threads, including this one.

Splitting threads because they are separate issues.
2010-04-23 01:22:39
They are welcome to my garage any time. Anyone is. I'm located in hazleton pa, 18201 and am there 10 hrs every day.

As I said to golgti93(Being that is who started this thread)...

He spammed this across 20 forums, in every single thread i ever posted in (not only ones I started, But other threads that I did not even start, LOL).

I thought about contacting this guy, But to be quite honest I'm just glad I saved the shipping proof. I cannot understand anything this man writes to me as it is all ''broken english''.

If someone felt the need to stop by my garage, Please contact me via email so I can give you directions!!!

Thanks alot guys, I have no idea what is going on with this guy, or his cousin, or who ever is typing being there are multiple names and accounts. As I said, Please anyone feel free to stop by my garage as I will give you directions if needed! I always enjoy meeting new people.

One forum he says he did not recieve the turbo. The other forum says he did recieve the turbo but it's wrong, Another forum says I sent someone else the turbo to the wrong address and or name, He cannot get his story straight, And I honstly cannot follow each forum as it is a different story on every one, LOL.
2010-04-23 01:31:27
prove its a real turbo. plain and simple and prove you shipped it. There is nothing really worth anyones time in hazleton sorry to say it buddy
2010-04-23 01:38:44
prove I shipped a turbo? I just did via the delivery confirmation number that I pulled out of my folder of 300+ delivery confirmation numbers.

Prove it's real? Come to my garage and when you see 20+ fully built cars in my garage with NO junk parts, I think maybe then you will realize something is going on here that doesn't match up with what this person is saying.

I do not know if this person is crazy, Or what. ONE thread he says he did not recieve a turbo, The other thread says he did recieve it, but the wrong one, Another thread says something totally different, I cannot keep up.

I have nothing to hide here. Anyone is more then welcome to stop by my garage any time. Hell, I'll give any one of you the $900 if you think something shady is going on. Honestly, I don't mind if anyone shows up. I'm not running or hiding anywhere. I have people coming to my garage every day... It's not some little one stall attached to your mom and dads house garage. I sell 6 boosted cars per month, And many many parts. I can give you more references and feedback for me then ever needed.
2010-04-23 01:50:20
Just show me the receipt at PAYPAL...
you are telling lies...
If you sent the turbo to the wrong place, that´s not my fault.
That´s my receipt on PAYPAL

Detalhes da transação


Pagamento eBay enviado (Nº exclusivo de ID da transação 5WK19835RV9553808)



Valor total:
-$900,00 USD
Valor da taxa:
$0,00 USD
Valor líquido:
-$900,00 USD

27 NOV 2009
04:37:51 PST


N.º do item Título do item Qtde. Preço Subtotal:
120497314992 Garret GT3582R ballbearing TURBO. NEW,liquidation sale! 1 $900,00 USD $900,00 USD

Envio e manuseio
(inclui qualquer tarifa de manuseio do vendedor): --
Seguro de frete : --

Total: $900,00 USD



Endereço de entrega:
Santo Antonio, 317
Pradopolis Sao Paulo


Pagamento para:
Melissa Streath (O destinatário deste pagamento é Verificada)
ID do vendedor:
E-mail do vendedor:


Tipo de fundos:
Cartão de crédito
Origem de fundos :
$900,00 USD - American Express Cartão XXXX-XXXXXX-X1001

Esta transação de cartão de crédito aparecerá em sua fatura como "PAYPAL *STREATH6".


Transação original
Data Tipo Status Detalhes Valor:
27 NOV 2009 Pagamento Para Melissa Streath Concluído ... -$900,00 USD

Transação relacionada
Data Tipo Status Detalhes Valor:
27 NOV 2009 Cobrança de cartão de crédito Concluído Detalhes $900,00 USD


Melissa Streath


2010-04-23 01:53:23
who is bull****ting?????
I just want what I PAID FOR.

And if you don´t know there is a guy in MEXICO you did not send the turbo TOO.
I´m live in BRAZIL as you will see on PAYPAL payment I sent you...
Why don´t you show here the payment I sent you with the addres you should send?
2010-04-23 01:55:33
I saw in another formu that the GUY in MEXICO did receive a FAKE turbo and tried to contact that man too.

if you can help somehow email me at: carolardo@ig.com.br
2010-04-23 01:58:43
EklipzGSXkid-Aftermarket suspension/brake goodies! - Page 4 - NASIOC

Now i Saw that it´s not just me...
2010-04-23 02:12:06
Hi, Welcome to THREE YEARS AGO. Although I am sure you did not notice that, Being you bumped every single thread and post, All over the internet, LOL.

Again, I do not care how many ''supporters you need, have, or get". ANYONE is welcome to my garage, At ANY time.

If anyone does need to stop by, Please send ME an email so I can give you the CORRECT address, and contact information to meet up to talk, If anyone else wants to try to figure out what exactly is going on.

I am completly confused at this point. I just sent you an email, Because I do not know what is going on. You are posting from different names, And every time you get banned from spamming, You re-register and change your story.

As I asked in the email, PLEASE SEND ME YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION SO I CAN CALL YOU. What is so hard to understand?

I am not a member on this site, I signed up just to post quick. IF you or anyone needs to contact me, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL as I reply within hours, Every day. I will not be signing back in on this forum, So anyone interested, PLEASE EMAIL ME for the quickest and easiest reply.

Thank you yet again , And before I quick sign of this forum for good, I will say it yet again to you... EMAIL ME AS I JUST SENT YOU AN EMAIL.
2010-04-23 02:26:05
Holy Christ what is going on in here?
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