SH!T MAN A 50W!!!! =O I am sorry I have only single beam 35w types (wimpie joinks) but if these can do LMK. A budd I know knows how to open up the 35w and make them 50w but I do not bother with that custom stuff I just sell it new in box untampered with. KEO you can call me MAN!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by 87SENTRASE SH!T MAN A 50W!!!! =O I am sorry I have only single beam 35w types (wimpie joinks) but if these can do LMK. A budd I know knows how to open up the 35w and make them 50w but I do not bother with that custom stuff I just sell it new in box untampered with. KEO you can call me MAN!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by 87SENTRASE No, all I have are 5000, 6000, 8000, 10000, & 12000 & all H3's are the short H3 bulb types. Sorry for late reply, I was downstairs.
would you have a picture of the H3's? I'm just making sure it would fit in my NX fogs
I am sorry I do not have a picture of the bulbs, I have to order some more H3's because I did a 12k H3 install yesterday on a 2001 Pathfinder SE and used my last H3's but I assure you these will set properly in your housings I only use the short H3's not the long ones.
Originally Posted by 87SENTRASE I am sorry I do not have a picture of the bulbs, I have to order some more H3's because I did a 12k H3 install yesterday on a 2001 Pathfinder SE and used my last H3's but I assure you these will set properly in your housings I only use the short H3's not the long ones.
give me until the 15th. I'm going to try to retro some Yellow Capsule info my fogs.