Actually, If your cousin opened a dispute via paypal, They REFUND his payment.
Also, EBAY also does the same instantly weather you recieved the actual item or not. Can you please PM me your cousings information and what your cousin actually recieved or got (money wise) weather it be from me, ebay, or paypal.
Thank you, Please EMAIL me the information, As I will not be on here to see any posts' any longer. Email is the fastest, And I reply within hours. [email][/email]
Also, When I sold the turbo, I SENT the numbers that were on the casting of the turbo. I searched them when I recieved the turbo's myself, And found that the make/model was that what was provided in the information I listed. I myself do not own a business or a store though.
Between this thread, And the other one, I am just very confused all together now, But luckly you can type properly, So PLEASE contact me via email!
Thank you very much, Kevo.