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Thread: Going back NA

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2009-08-12 15:57:24
Just get the turbo back from Tekkie after it's rebuilt and put it back on.

What's up with the B13...?
2009-08-12 17:40:09
Why do I keep seeing what is up with the B13 lol. The NX and the Sentra are both B13's. He needs to get it registered.
2009-08-12 18:09:45
Jenny, I would also take the time and replace the piston on the other block.

i don't even see the point of running the block you have in there now.

EDIT: det rods is more than enough for you.
2009-08-12 18:55:02
what do you mean the other block? you mean the regular DE? the block i have in there is fine. the car runs fine everything is good to go. Also i took the turbo apart today and looked inside the turbine housing and there was oil caked up on the sides. guess it was burning off to quick to coat anything. So tekkie is going to rebuild the damn thing and hopefully i can fix this 5k hesitation that im getting

the sentra is going to be back on the road in a week or so i just sent the money in for re registration. keo im going to need 2 new control arms because i cant press in any more ball joints.... give me a price please
2009-08-12 19:55:05
Originally Posted by classicaddict
jensen goes back to 2.0 na as pete goes 2.0 turbo interesting.

Huh! I didn't even know you were boosted! You bringin it to the next meet
2009-08-12 21:15:22
I dunno, I don't like driving a car when the piston is somewhat melted.
2009-08-13 03:21:25
posted on the other thread. I got a little tied up earlier and couldn't type it.
2009-08-13 13:30:17
Originally Posted by Slow
Huh! I didn't even know you were boosted! You bringin it to the next meet

awd conversion too!!!!!! hell yea whens the next meet? the place i just moved to i can almost walk to needaser's place so if you guys ever go to steves hit me up. 410-245-4927
2009-08-13 17:58:55
lol. joel its a subie
2009-08-13 18:06:21
What kind?
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