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Thread: Moving to VA

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2008-01-22 23:57:32
Originally Posted by Masik
Virgina Beach, VA across the street from lynnhaven mall a architectural company....Thnx alot savage

No problem, that is what this community is all about.

I went to see that place.

I don't know your financial situation or price range your looking for but if i owned your sentra i wouldn't leave it outside in that neighborhood over night.

If you want, let me know what price range, and bedroom/ bath you are looking for and how far you are willing to drive and i will get you some options.

It will give my wife something to do during the day.

Let me know.
2008-01-23 16:38:45
I'll be honest 2Bed/ 1 Bath or large 1/1 800-900 is about max and 10-15 mins is all im willing to commute....thnx alot for your info dam this place looked promising too
2008-01-23 17:26:07
Man I was thinking about moving to Orlando. Does the job market really suck?? Summers here are great cause of the weather...but I got all my tickets in VA Beach (defective exhaust, stickers on windshield, foglights) I had to move to Hampton where cops don't bother you. I still travel to VA Beach often cause all my boys live out there. It's only bout 20 mins from me.

SAVAGE; VDUBYA63; We need to meet up when it gets nicer. A nissan mini meet or something. I need some Nissan friends badly!!!!
2008-01-23 17:40:58
no way does the job market suck I went there for College and must say I love that city ...Just that for 3D it sucks...I love orlando I wouldn't have moved ( currently back home in Miami with mom and dad ) if i had the funds to stay there.
2008-01-23 17:49:39
The guys I knew that moved from FL to here have all moved back. Life is slow here and the streets are empty by midnight!!!
2008-01-24 01:27:14
Originally Posted by Masik
I'll be honest 2Bed/ 1 Bath or large 1/1 800-900 is about max and 10-15 mins is all im willing to commute....thnx alot for your info dam this place looked promising too

The buildings and grounds of that place looked nice but right across the street it was a little too trashy for me to recommend to someone. I wil see if i can find anything else. If nothing then just make sure you got a good car alarm and a firearm.

Originally Posted by JTstyle
SAVAGE; VDUBYA63; We need to meet up when it gets nicer. A nissan mini meet or something. I need some Nissan friends badly!!!!

I was actually thinking about trying to do something like this. I know that VDUBYA63's car and my car are under the knife right now but definetly by spring time we should be done.
2008-01-24 02:48:42
Yea both my b13s are under the knife but still got the 200sx.. I aint never met JT and he lives about 5 minutes from my house..lol..But I got a garage if anyone ever needs to use it I dont mind at all.. And masik good luck finding a place bro I would help ya but I amnot familiar with va beach too much
2008-01-24 04:15:05
VDubya63 thnx NP hope to meet some VA peeps soon
2008-01-25 01:27:20
Originally Posted by Masik
VDubya63 thnx NP hope to meet some VA peeps soon

When are you gonna be up here?
2008-01-25 02:51:46
Feb 1
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