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Thread: The Time Has Come

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Posts: 41-50 of 298
2009-02-16 18:21:46
wheres vadium? get his opinion on the inside of the motor.
2009-02-16 18:48:36
It's cleaner than both of his engines!! the lowport and DET!!
2009-02-16 21:17:51
really? when did he post a pic of the DET?
2009-02-16 21:19:20
Originally Posted by jen36
really? when did he post a pic of the DET?

i was talking about his first pig.
2009-02-16 21:28:49
yeah i know but keo said that even his det was not as clean as mine so im wondering what it looked like
2009-02-16 22:08:27
his posted a few pics of it in his thread and when he confirmed that the 91-93 high ports has a more aggressive cam over the w11/u12 DET.
2009-02-17 01:53:20
Originally Posted by jen36
good. but at the rate your car is moving who knows when that is going to be. and im probably going to take my time because im not going to the convention. but now that i have alot of time im going to be collecting peices for the next month or so. shooting for the end of march early april for everything to be done

WTF do you mean not going to the convention?!
2009-02-17 02:35:33
man my fu cking boss had to go on TDY for traning on the exact days of the convention which sucks ball because i told him in early december that i was taking these days off. which really dont matter because his TDY days would have overided my leave days n e ways.. total BS
2009-02-17 02:50:46
^^ dude that sucks
2009-02-17 15:09:32
Yeah it sucks. I told him that on the phone last night.
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