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Thread: Need help again this weekend.

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2008-10-10 01:41:03
Need help again this weekend.
Same deal guys, I really need help this weekend. The motors are basically ready to drop in and I might be borrowing a power washer, so if anybody needs anything blasted they could come by. Pizza and beer on me for whoever shows. I'm free all weekend so if there's a time you think you could come by just let me know
2008-10-10 05:05:22
**** maybe i can take tekkie up there with me if he shows... so you just trying to put the motors in now?? damn i dunno if i know how to without a lift lol
2008-10-10 12:25:46
PM sent
2008-10-11 22:34:43
Today I didn't really feel like wrenching because it goes so slow. I got some wiring done and cleaned up some ****. Tomorrow is all clear for me so I'll be doing what I can. The motors have all the sensors swapped I still need to bolt up the flywheels and clutches, I can't do one of them until I get the oem flywheel from Joel. I have one tranny that has to be taken apart and put back together. I need to do a s4's swap from my old DET to the new one. There is just alot of little things to do that sucks doing be myself and I can't seem to concentrate on one car or one motor. It's really overwhelming...
2008-10-12 03:00:34
I'm coming back thru to crash at Jen's tomorrow. Maybe he can meet me in BMore since I'll drive thru on the way to his place, and we can give a hand? Hit me up or him up. I have some festivities tomorrow but I'll be heading out tomorrow afternoon.
2008-10-12 14:01:13
This was really a bad weekend. Scotty thru a rod. We got stuck in traffic for 2 hrs on the way back from Jenc shop because of an accident. My wife was upset because I didn't get home til 11. Everything that could have went wrong yesterday did. Grrrrr!! Hopefully John my duaghter gets her drivers licence this week which will free up some time for me to get to you. Stay tuned.
2008-10-12 14:23:36
Yeah I heard about Scotty's rod knock. I guess he's going to finish the swap today? Maybe even before I get there
2008-10-12 14:47:59
yep doing a swap.. damn it
2008-10-12 15:44:25
God I wish I could get my swap done in a day... My # is 443-622-8504 and I'm heading over there now. Holler at me if your gonna be in the area. John
2008-10-12 23:09:26
I'm in the area now, got in late
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