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Thread: Pre-Purchase: 32V SR16VE Helical LSD

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2014-10-03 09:16:01
it works... sorry about the mighty 100kw de motor, and the iphone does it no favours at all.click the photo...


now i'm totally new to the whole lsd thing, and i also put in a mMfactory 4.78 final drive and hydro clutch into the rs5f32v at the same time. so initial thoughts are..
1. the whole thing feels really solid at low speed and low speed turns. everything feels more direct, easier to turn, predictable.
2.you can feel both the wheels working when you tramp it. no squirming around, solid. turbo guys will love this.
3. high speed cornering is very direct and very quick, but predictable.

and on a side note...
4. every n/a guy (especially ve guys) should have a higher final drive, they are the business....
5. EVERYBODY should have a hydro clutch. i was very worried i might lose clutch feel. as it turned out after i picked it up, a drove two city blocks before remembering that i did it.
Last edited by sss4me on 2014-10-03 at 09-17-34.
2014-10-03 13:19:21
Good stuff man. @MFactory let us know when the reported problems are corrected and take my money already lol.
2014-10-03 14:19:06
Payment sent. Can't wait for the verdict on the gears
2014-10-03 17:05:17
Production began already yes?
2014-10-03 17:30:58
Work has started on the production units, yes. Will keep everyone updated as soon as I get more news.
2014-10-08 18:19:39
Originally Posted by bhowle
I am replacing both diff bearings and will provide pictures and an overview of shimming the diff.

Shimming the diff is fairly straightforward, however, that side bearing/race is quite expensive. You have to remove and re-install the race to check the free play with and without shims to set everything correctly. If you can do this without damaging it, you can re-use it since the HLSD only replaces the passenger side of the diff and you will not have to remove the driver's side diff bearing. You should still measure everything to see if you are within spec.

Could we bother you for those pics and info? If I can DIY it, that would save a lot of travel. I just lack the shimming know-how.

The diff is paid in full, unobtanium ordered from Amayama, and other necessary bits purchased. I just need to receive everything and dig in.
2014-10-08 18:35:37
SO these are ready to be purchased and such? I have been waiting for an update from MFactory calling upon alot of early payers to finish paying. I see JimR is paid off in full.

Any update for those who have placed the down payment @MFactory?
2014-10-08 18:39:21
It looks like Stephen is e-mailing individuals in order of deposit received to collect final payment.
2014-10-08 23:16:28
Yeah I got mines in today
2014-10-09 12:37:56
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
Yeah I got mines in today

I think you will be the last one to receive the differential in short order. There were a few available on hand from the initial run, and the rest will be from normal production, which hasn't finished. Stephen told me that my differential would be from the later batch.
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