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Thread: 2010 SR20 Calendar - Photo submissions NOW!

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2009-07-07 03:39:20
2010 SR20 Calendar - Photo submissions NOW!
We're going to try to get ahead of the game this year so that we may get this wrapped up and calendars delivered well before Christmas.

So I will now start taking forum calendar photo submissions. See following list requirements for all images:

Submission Requirements:
  • Optimum picture size is at least 1800 pixels wide. (Anything under 1800 pixels wide cannot be used as a main photo, but still may be chosen for a small usage) BIGGER IS BETTER!!
  • Deadline for submission, August 31st
  • You must own the rights to the image (no copy written images)
  • Must be Forum related (IE SR20 Powered car etc..)
  • You must include your forum username, your real name, year model, and mods list
  • I plan to have photos of owners on the same spread as their cars, so people submitting should be prepared to send a photo of themselves.
  • 3 photo submission max...anymore will get discarded.
  • Do not crop or photoshop the image. (I will handle color-correcting and cropping. Over-processed images usually end up being too dark and muddy.)
  • Must contain no water marks, type or other images over the picture.
  • No, we will not pay you to use your image.
All submissions should be sent via email to llapradcargo@louislaprad.com either sent as attachments directly, or a link to an image hosting service (ie photobucket etc...) The subject of the email must be '2009 Forum Calendar Image Submission'

Failure to follow the above rules will automatically DQ your submission.

How can I verify my image sizes meet the requirements?
Generally with windows you can right click on the image and select properties. Then go to the Summary tab. There should be Properties labeled Width and Height that you can look at to verify the image size. For print, a Width value of 1800 is the minimum that can be used.
Click once on the file to highlight it. Click Command-I. The Get Info window open. Open the triangle next to "More Info" and you will see pixel size next to "Dimensions."


Submissions are closed

I got everyone's photos. Please do not post anymore photos in this thread after this post.

Over the weekend, I will sort through them, pick the top 12, and maybe contact people with great shots that are too small.

I've got about 100 images to sift through!!

I will also have a rough timeline which will include:
  • Finalizing of photos
  • Layout proofs
  • Ordering thread

Stayed tuned....
2009-07-07 03:42:03
If you want to know more about what the calendar will look like, here is the thread for last year's calendar:
2009-07-07 18:21:58
Well looks like I need to borrow my brothers camera and take some nice pictures, the calendar is missing some B15 love.
2009-07-07 18:26:14
I'll be tossing up my b15 along with the nx, perhaps a 2 model covershot
2009-07-07 22:18:12
Originally Posted by RobSE
Well looks like I need to borrow my brothers camera and take some nice pictures, the calendar is missing some B15 love.

Yes it is..can't wait to see. Make sure you use the camera's highest setting.

Most shots become unusable for the main image because the resolution is not high enough. It kills me to weed out so many shots!
2009-07-07 22:45:47
I'll try and have my wife take some pics of my pos with her D80. It'll be hard to keep her from messing with them herself though.
2009-07-08 01:03:00
My three faves:

2009-07-08 02:12:28
I'm thinking of a family shoot:

Gloria's G20
Tiff's B15
Kimme's NX

Any suggestions for a cool place in the Atlanta area??
2009-07-08 03:08:04
Dave, those are some great shots.
2009-07-08 03:46:40
hope you accept race cars!!!
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