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Thread: ON SALE NOW! 2009 SR20-forum Calendars

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2009-01-06 20:26:06
lol by the time it gets here, mrs. january won't be existant and get the sr20 love for a whole month!
2009-01-06 21:43:54
I'm glad people are antsy!

They sent them out today, so I should receive them this week and hopefully send them out before the weekend.
2009-01-06 21:47:12
Originally Posted by canx2k
lol by the time it gets here, mrs. january won't be existant and get the sr20 love for a whole month!

It won't be that bad, or as bad as last year, but consider this year a learning curve for timelines...the photo submissions took forever.

I've never sold a calendar before, so you have to keep that in mind. We started in September, and evidently, thats not enough time. We will start in June/July next year.

(Then people will yell at me for not giving them enough time to shoot their car!)

No respect, I tell ya.
2009-01-06 21:48:51
When the convention is over, there will be many pics available for the 2010 calender. Its probably the best time to start in April.
2009-01-08 17:41:57
UPDATE, January 8, 2009 (TWO PARTS)

I. Calendars are here!
According to the tracking #, they have been dropped off at my house. I will be packing them tonight, as well as preparing them for shipping.

If your order is shippable through Paypal, you will receive a confirmation #. If it is not (alternate addresses or other reasons) you will not. All calendars will be shipped First Class USPS.

II. New prices for February 1
I will lower the price of the calendars for everyone on February 1st, since they'll be 'missing' a month by then.

Also, everyone who has already ordered a calendar, will receive a further discount if you place an additional order after February 1.

I will announce prices by next Monday, in another thread in the L.LaPrad Cargo vendor section of the forum.

In the meantime, please do not order a calendar until I announce new prices, and the second batch will not ship until February 1.
2009-01-08 21:58:00
Thanks for keeping us all posted. i am glad to be antsy also. It means we are all looking forward to these arriving. I'm looking forward to it, anyway.
2009-01-09 22:33:55
Updated the list with calendars sent today...

Most (if not all) will be shipped out tomorrow.
2009-01-10 15:05:51
Got my USPS tracking number, I'm assuming its for the calendars
2009-01-10 18:02:20
Originally Posted by llaprad1
Updated the list with calendars sent today...

Most (if not all) will be shipped out tomorrow.

Thanks for doing so much work putting these together, they're going to look great!
2009-01-12 03:09:32
could i still pick one up?
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