Hello everyone here is a simple write up on how to install your TSURU III headlights/corners.
Here is the orginal 91-92 B13 look:

Lets start by removing our corner lights. They are held by one screw, a tab on the bottom and by the light bulb socket.
Remove the screw and gently pull out the light and twist off the light bulb socket (this is a good time to see if the light is not burnt,cracked etc).

Remove the 2 10mm side bolts of the headlight housing.

Pass. & Driver have a 10mm bolt and a clip behind them.

Headlights can now be removed, disconnect your light harness out of the way.

Time to remove the grill now. This part is easy just be EXTRA careful on the these clips there fragile!
There is a total of 5 clips. All clips are marked in the pics for reference.

Pass. side

Middle just above hood latch

Drivers side

YAY no broken clips!!
So far all lights and grill are out

Now lets remove the lower fascia.

Its held by 2 10mm bolt on each side.

One screw on each side (mines were missing already -_-)

This was the easiest way for me to get the bottom bolts

One middle bolt under the hood latch

Its sad the new fascias are plastic versus the old metal piece

We're almost done!!!
Time to install parts!!!

Get your platsic fascias there are marked (LH) & (RH).
I used a bolt and nut to fasten the new fascia. I had to drill the holes bigger to fit.
Install your headlights. I reused the old bolts. you will need to use 2 extra bolts from the old fascia to mount the new fascias to the headlights.
Make sure everything is all lined up, connect your Headlight connectors back. Clip in you new grill and install your new corner lights and you're golden!!

For the emblem I just used the old one and double sided taped the emblem on. I will upload some night pics later this week.
Here is the orginal 91-92 B13 look:

Lets start by removing our corner lights. They are held by one screw, a tab on the bottom and by the light bulb socket.
Remove the screw and gently pull out the light and twist off the light bulb socket (this is a good time to see if the light is not burnt,cracked etc).

Remove the 2 10mm side bolts of the headlight housing.

Pass. & Driver have a 10mm bolt and a clip behind them.

Headlights can now be removed, disconnect your light harness out of the way.

Time to remove the grill now. This part is easy just be EXTRA careful on the these clips there fragile!
There is a total of 5 clips. All clips are marked in the pics for reference.

Pass. side

Middle just above hood latch

Drivers side

YAY no broken clips!!
So far all lights and grill are out

Now lets remove the lower fascia.

Its held by 2 10mm bolt on each side.

One screw on each side (mines were missing already -_-)

This was the easiest way for me to get the bottom bolts

One middle bolt under the hood latch

Its sad the new fascias are plastic versus the old metal piece

We're almost done!!!
Time to install parts!!!

Get your platsic fascias there are marked (LH) & (RH).
I used a bolt and nut to fasten the new fascia. I had to drill the holes bigger to fit.
Install your headlights. I reused the old bolts. you will need to use 2 extra bolts from the old fascia to mount the new fascias to the headlights.
Make sure everything is all lined up, connect your Headlight connectors back. Clip in you new grill and install your new corner lights and you're golden!!

For the emblem I just used the old one and double sided taped the emblem on. I will upload some night pics later this week.