Sooo i wanted a battery Voltage gauge but i dont want to waste a space in the gauge pod for one and i hate all the fancy "car stereo" versions that they make because they are huge and noticeable. So i took a gamble and did a little project myself, and im actually quite happy with the outcome.
The whole thing cost about 10 bucks, and all you need is some simple hand tools and a few crimps.
So i went looking for a gauge and found... this one. The exact one i bought.
3 Digit DC Voltage Meter Voltmeter 0V to 99 9V LED Mini Digital Panel Display | eBay
Most commonly used on EZ-GO golf carts and electric motor driven devices to monitor battery voltage or in their case "fuel"
So i sat down in the car and found a nice little spot for it where i had my utterly useless Cruise Control that i took out of the car because race car.
I was originally going to use a dremel type tool (i use a Foredom which has a pedal-opperated speed control, but to each his own), and it was freezing in my garage so i sat down at my kitchen table and did this with a small pair of Excelite pliers and a sharp box cutter blade.
( make sure the blade is new and sharp and you know what youre doing with it because dull blades will mess you up)
This is what i ended up with. you have to shave the step thats on the inside down untill it is gone around the whole perimeter and then cut the left side pillar off completely, and this is the end result.

I didnt take picture of the process only because i was betting on it not working and looking like crap, but to my avail, it looks legit.
here is a picture of the battery voltage meter mounted inside.

If you notice the top left corner sticks out a little bit past the bevel on the holder, so that will need to be addressed with a nice small pair of side cutters like these.
The exact one i used is on the left hand side, Home Depot should carry them by the pliers OR by the welding/soldering equipment, seen em in both spots.

Here it is in the car (notice the small nipped corner)

And a shot of it on. Classic red LED readout. Matches my NGK AFX wideband like a charm.

I will take a picture of it in the night time a little later to show what it looks like in the dark. Its not as hard to read as the pictures seem, it has this plastic anti-glare screen on it so its not as bad.
The whole thing cost about 10 bucks, and all you need is some simple hand tools and a few crimps.
So i went looking for a gauge and found... this one. The exact one i bought.
3 Digit DC Voltage Meter Voltmeter 0V to 99 9V LED Mini Digital Panel Display | eBay
Most commonly used on EZ-GO golf carts and electric motor driven devices to monitor battery voltage or in their case "fuel"
So i sat down in the car and found a nice little spot for it where i had my utterly useless Cruise Control that i took out of the car because race car.
I was originally going to use a dremel type tool (i use a Foredom which has a pedal-opperated speed control, but to each his own), and it was freezing in my garage so i sat down at my kitchen table and did this with a small pair of Excelite pliers and a sharp box cutter blade.
( make sure the blade is new and sharp and you know what youre doing with it because dull blades will mess you up)
This is what i ended up with. you have to shave the step thats on the inside down untill it is gone around the whole perimeter and then cut the left side pillar off completely, and this is the end result.

I didnt take picture of the process only because i was betting on it not working and looking like crap, but to my avail, it looks legit.
here is a picture of the battery voltage meter mounted inside.

If you notice the top left corner sticks out a little bit past the bevel on the holder, so that will need to be addressed with a nice small pair of side cutters like these.
The exact one i used is on the left hand side, Home Depot should carry them by the pliers OR by the welding/soldering equipment, seen em in both spots.

Here it is in the car (notice the small nipped corner)

And a shot of it on. Classic red LED readout. Matches my NGK AFX wideband like a charm.

I will take a picture of it in the night time a little later to show what it looks like in the dark. Its not as hard to read as the pictures seem, it has this plastic anti-glare screen on it so its not as bad.