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Thread: G20 Rear Bumper onto a 200sx/Sentra?

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2012-10-10 10:12:30
G20 Rear Bumper onto a 200sx/Sentra?
I tried searching the forums (maybe I'm just not skilled enough yet to find things) but I couldn't find anything on fitting a G20/P11 rear bumper onto a 200sx/B14. I've seen a few cars where the P11 front bumper had been fitted onto a B14 so I was wondering if the rear bumpers could be fitted too. Looks the same to me. I just couldn't find a write up on it or if anyone had tried this yet. Any info (even a yes or no) will help. Thanks
2012-10-12 12:37:18
Originally Posted by ndmac9187
I tried searching the forums (maybe I'm just not skilled enough yet to find things) but I couldn't find anything on fitting a G20/P11 rear bumper onto a 200sx/B14. I've seen a few cars where the P11 front bumper had been fitted onto a B14 so I was wondering if the rear bumpers could be fitted too. Looks the same to me. I just couldn't find a write up on it or if anyone had tried this yet. Any info (even a yes or no) will help. Thanks

I have,seen this on,the old forum a whiiile back....and,i,think,it was a b14 200sx that had the rear g20 bumper..i thouth whoever did it had to trim a lil bit near the wheel archs? Im not sure tho
2012-10-13 02:16:02
Some trimming is required for it to fit good.The G is wider.
2012-10-13 18:52:16
iirc it was ninety9 se-l that did it.
Last edited by Joekuh on 2012-10-13 at 18-54-23.
2012-10-21 03:16:11
Thanks for the replies! I'm gonna have to try this out if I can get a hold of a G20 rear. Is there any pics of this by any chance?
2012-10-21 03:23:24
Theres a guy in seattle that did it on his green 200sx.


never mind he jsut did the front.
2012-11-10 20:24:37
ive seen it done im kinda on the fence about how it looks
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