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Thread: How To : NX1600 Digital Cluster Into A B13 Se-R

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2012-01-27 01:05:08
How To : NX1600 Digital Cluster Into A B13 Se-R
Before I Begin I Want To Thank Few Members Who Had Done Previous How To's . SinisterSentra91 & M0J0 .

First Started Off Using The Diagrams That SinisterSentra91 Posted .
Here's The Link For More Info On His Thread (http://www.sr20-forum.com/audio-electronics/38323-digital-gauge-cluster-info.html)
But I Wanted To Know What The Wires Were .

So M0J0 Posted What The Center Plug Was On The NX1600 Digital Cluster.
This Is What He Posted For The Center Plug(Black 12 Pin Plug)

The Pinout Of That Plug Is As Follows:


1 - Speed sensor positive (but doesn't really matter)
2 - Illumination (not sure whether positive or negative)
3 - Speed sensor negative (but doesn't really matter)
4 - Illumination clock
5 - Tachometer
6 - Illumination (not sure whether positive or negative)
7 - Ignition
8 - Temperature
9 - Fuel level
10 - Ground
11 - Speed signal to ECU
12 - Battery for clock (so the cluster can "remember" the time)

This To Me Was My Foot In The Door To Begin My Wiring Process .

Than After A Few More Post I Bumped Into This Diagram Which Is The Prefect Solution For The Labeling Process .

Now Using This Diagram :
Posted By Toolapcfan
Here's The Link For More Info On His Thread (HOW TO: B13 cable/electronic cluster swaps - SR20 Forum)

93-'94 Electronic speedometer cluster wiring info:

M30 Plugs in horizontally behind the temp gauge on the bottom left hand side of the cluster (when looking at the back)
M32 Plugs in horizontally behind the fuel gauge on the bottom right hand side of the cluster (when looking at the back)
M33 Plugs in horizontally behind the tach
M102 Plugs in vertically above M32

M102 - 7 wires

1 G/L Fuel gauge
2 R/W Door open indicator
3 B Ground for water temp, fuel, tach and speedometer gauges as well as airbag indicator and clock
5 R/B Fuel indicator
6 Y/G Speedometer gauge
7 L/R ABS indicator
8 G/B Left hand turn signal indicator

M32 - 9 wires

9 Y Seatbelt indicator
10 L/W Washer indicator (Canada only)
11 R/B High beam on indicator
12 B Ground for high beam on indicator
13 R/W Airbag indicator
14 Y/G(4door and NX)Y/B(2door) Seatbelt indicator
15 Y Power for Abs, fuel, brake, overdrive off(auto), door, malfunction, washer(Canada), charge, and oil indicator lights, water temp, fuel, tach, and speedo gauges.
16 G Speedometer gauge
18 R Speedometer gauge

M33 - 5 wires

19 B/Y Overdrive off indicator (auto only)
21 R/L Meter illumination
25 G/Y(2door)G/R(4door and NX) Cruise on indicator
26 G/Y Right hand turn signal indicator
27 B Ground for turn signal indicators

M30 - 10 wires

31 PU Brake indicator
32 Y/B Brake indicator
33 Y/G Oil indicator
35 OR/B Malfunction indicator
36 Y/R Charge indicator
37 R/B Clock
38 L Clock illumination
39 L/B Tachometer
40 R/Y Meter illumination
41Y/G Water temp gauge

Another Diagram For The 91-92 B13 Se-r Owners
Posted By eurokid21

Edit On The Diagram Pin 34 Is Brake

Once I Had All This Info It Became Way More Clearer & Simpler To Me .
So I Made This Diagram Using My NX Cluster & The Center Plug M0J0 Posted .(Using The 93-94 Se-R Diagram)

Now I Begun My Process In Getting This Wiring Completed .
After Using Both The 93-94 Se-r Diagram & The NX Diagram Labelled Where My Wires Had To Go .
I Also Noticed While Labeling That Some Of The Illuminations Are Labeled With R/Y or R/B

When I Did The Labellings , My Illuminations Were The Last I Did Since I Had (2) Red/Yellow & (2) Red/Blue I Just Grouped Them By Color
There Are (3) Ignitions (Yellow Wires) I Grouped Them Also

This Was My Final For The Wiring Process

NX Wiring -------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-94 Se-R

Yellow Plug (12 Pins)
Pin #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 36)
Pin #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M33 (Pin 21)
Pin #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 15)
Pin #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPTY
Pin #5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 9)
Pin #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M33 (Pin 26)
Pin #7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 32)
Pin #8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M33 (Pin 27)
Pin #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 31)
Pin #10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 40)
Pin #11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M33 (Pin 19)
Pin #12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 13)

Black Center Plug (12 Pins)
Pin #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 16)
Pin #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 15)
Pin #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 40)
Pin #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 41)
Pin #5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 18)
Pin #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 1)
Pin #7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 38)
Pin #8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 3)
Pin #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 39)
Pin #10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 6)
Pin #11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 21)
Pin #12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 37)

White Plug (10 Pins)
Pin #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 15)
Pin #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 5)
Pin #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPTY
Pin #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMPTY
Pin #5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 8)
Pin #6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 35)
Pin #7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M102 (Pin 2)
Pin #8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M30 (Pin 33)
Pin #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 11)
Pin #10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Plug M32 (Pin 12)

I Hope This Was Alittle More Helpful & More Understanding Where Everyone Can Do & Enjoy A New Modification On Their B13's
2012-02-23 23:15:58
my nx 1600 digital cluster is a bit different. my yellow plug has 13 wires, my black plug has 12 wires, and my white plug has 9 wires! im so confused! just picked this thing up and want to install it!!
2012-02-23 23:30:45
u sure u got 13 wires in the yellow plug . recheck that . what year did your nx cluster come out of .
2016-01-11 08:23:40
Noticed the link to my picture expired.

Edit On The Diagram Pin 34 Is Brake

’91-’92 cluster wiring to 91 nx16 cluster

Right side 12 slot symmetrical plug black

CEL M30-35 to 3 check engine
fuel M102-1 to 26 fuel gauge
door open M102-2 to 7 door
washer (canada) M32-10 ....unused
low fuel M102-5 - to 5 fuel
power for fuel gauge, ABS light, seatbelt, brake, oil pressure, temp gauge, speedo, battery. M32-15 to ?
clock backlight M30-38 to 23 constant 12+ for clock
ABS ground M102-7 ...unused
left turn signal power M102-8 to 8 left signal
ground M33-27 to 13 turn signal ground shared and 25 shared ground
Empty slot M33-25

Middle 10 slot, offset plug black

Tach ground (add a ground or use one that’s unused) ? not sure
Black (bottom left) – Ground for speedo only to 34 speedo ground
Ground for high beam indicator M32-12 to 25 shared ground
high beam indicator M32-11 to 6 beam+
tach signal M30-39 to 30 tachometer
clock M30-37 to 23 constant 12+ for clock
speedo M102-6 to 24 speedo to ecu

Left 12 slot, symmetrical plug white

seatbelt ground M32-9 (2-door) to 25 shared ground
oil pressure ground M30-33 to 25 shared ground
bulb check M30-31 to ?
temp signal M30-41 to 27 temp gauge
brake M30-32 to 18 brake w/ diode
overdrive off ground M33-19 ...not used
battery ground M30-36 to 22 chg batter light ??
right turn signal power M33-26 to 14 right signal
illumination M33-21 to 12 and 29 ill -
illumination M30-40 to 33 and 16 ill +
temp ground M102-3 to 25 shared ground
Last edited by eurokid21 on 2016-01-11 at 19-18-40.
2016-01-11 21:45:34
interesting if i ever do this, thanks for the wright up
2016-09-22 09:33:40
It looks scary, but it's simple as can be once you get in there.
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