This write up well make your normal NX headlights into projectors which will look like this when its done:

Well after coming across a picture posted by Pretty White of this done by someone else, I decided I had big enough balls to try it myself. And as long as you can live with a slight gap and your not scared of cutting on your car a bit, then read on.
My friend Zac (niSE7EN) and I did this in about three hours.
What you need:
MK3 92-98 VW Golf Projector Headlamps (You can get them off ebay, either black or chrome housing your choice):

Reciprocating Saw <-------A must
Wire cutters\strippers
Self Tapping Sheet metal screws
2 Small Angle Brackets
Soldering Iron
Matching or close to matching spray paint
First thing you need to do is remove the front bumper you can find this procedure here:
Now remove your stock headlights. Move the harnesses to them out of the way.
Next you need to start your first part of cutting the lip under the headlight hole needs to be removed shown here, do this on both sides:


Your going to have to cut off three out of the four mounting brackets on the VW headlights, the one you want to keep is the top right one on the drivers side and the top left one on the passenger side. Cut them off as smooth as possible.
Now try to put them where the stock headlights go, you will notice the housing of the VW headlights are much larger than the NX. This is where you need to start cutting to make them fit most of your cutting is done on top and on the inside by the radiator, you want to get the headlights since they are so big as far inside as you can (refer to the pictures for that to make sense.) Basically you want to put them onemark where they are hitting, pull them off and cut a little bit, put them back on and try to fit the bumper and repeat. Never take too much off, its better to cut many times and get it than cut once and risk the chance of screwing it up. Repeat this process till you get them fitted as best as possible this it how mine looked after I cut and painted where I cut. Keep and mind they wont fit perfectly.
Drivers side for example:

Once you got them where you want them mount them with the self tapping screws and washers I mounted mine like so:
The bracket on the headlight up top:

The L bracket on the inside:

Now for the wiring:
Cut the stock harness connection ends off the VW headlights
You will notice all the bulbs on the headlight ground to one wire. You want to cut the stock connector off the NX headlight harness its the one that has three wires.
Conect the wires together with a soldering iron, flux and solder.
The harnesses go as follows:
Driver's Side:
VW harness-----------------Car harness
black--------------------------blk w/silver dots
red----------------------------red w/black stripe(high beam wire)
blue---------------------------red w/yellow stripe(low beam wire)
Passenger Side:
VW harness-----------------Car harness:
black--------------------------black w/silver dots
red----------------------------red w/green stripe(high beam wire)
blue---------------------------red w/blue stripe(low beam wire)
Both Sides:
Angel eyes------------------Inside Parking Lamp Harness
red---------------------------red w/blue stripe
Outside Turn Signal:
Passenger Side:
VW harness----------------Car harness:
white------------------------green w/yellow stripe (Run Inline)
Drivers Side:
VW harness----------------Car harness:
white------------------------green w/black stripe (Run Inline)
Tape up the wires with electrical tape, mount the headlights and put the front bumper back on. And the headlights should work like this:
Parking Lights (They appear blue but they are white):




Test everything for correct function and enjoy.

Well after coming across a picture posted by Pretty White of this done by someone else, I decided I had big enough balls to try it myself. And as long as you can live with a slight gap and your not scared of cutting on your car a bit, then read on.
My friend Zac (niSE7EN) and I did this in about three hours.
What you need:
MK3 92-98 VW Golf Projector Headlamps (You can get them off ebay, either black or chrome housing your choice):

Reciprocating Saw <-------A must
Wire cutters\strippers
Self Tapping Sheet metal screws
2 Small Angle Brackets
Soldering Iron
Matching or close to matching spray paint
First thing you need to do is remove the front bumper you can find this procedure here:
Now remove your stock headlights. Move the harnesses to them out of the way.
Next you need to start your first part of cutting the lip under the headlight hole needs to be removed shown here, do this on both sides:


Your going to have to cut off three out of the four mounting brackets on the VW headlights, the one you want to keep is the top right one on the drivers side and the top left one on the passenger side. Cut them off as smooth as possible.
Now try to put them where the stock headlights go, you will notice the housing of the VW headlights are much larger than the NX. This is where you need to start cutting to make them fit most of your cutting is done on top and on the inside by the radiator, you want to get the headlights since they are so big as far inside as you can (refer to the pictures for that to make sense.) Basically you want to put them onemark where they are hitting, pull them off and cut a little bit, put them back on and try to fit the bumper and repeat. Never take too much off, its better to cut many times and get it than cut once and risk the chance of screwing it up. Repeat this process till you get them fitted as best as possible this it how mine looked after I cut and painted where I cut. Keep and mind they wont fit perfectly.
Drivers side for example:

Once you got them where you want them mount them with the self tapping screws and washers I mounted mine like so:
The bracket on the headlight up top:

The L bracket on the inside:

Now for the wiring:
Cut the stock harness connection ends off the VW headlights
You will notice all the bulbs on the headlight ground to one wire. You want to cut the stock connector off the NX headlight harness its the one that has three wires.
Conect the wires together with a soldering iron, flux and solder.
The harnesses go as follows:
Driver's Side:
VW harness-----------------Car harness
black--------------------------blk w/silver dots
red----------------------------red w/black stripe(high beam wire)
blue---------------------------red w/yellow stripe(low beam wire)
Passenger Side:
VW harness-----------------Car harness:
black--------------------------black w/silver dots
red----------------------------red w/green stripe(high beam wire)
blue---------------------------red w/blue stripe(low beam wire)
Both Sides:
Angel eyes------------------Inside Parking Lamp Harness
red---------------------------red w/blue stripe
Outside Turn Signal:
Passenger Side:
VW harness----------------Car harness:
white------------------------green w/yellow stripe (Run Inline)
Drivers Side:
VW harness----------------Car harness:
white------------------------green w/black stripe (Run Inline)
Tape up the wires with electrical tape, mount the headlights and put the front bumper back on. And the headlights should work like this:
Parking Lights (They appear blue but they are white):




Test everything for correct function and enjoy.