Here is a 135i I detailed recently. This was mainly an exterior job with 10 hours spent cleaning, buffing, and waxing and about 2 hours spent on the inside.
The owner of the car enjoys driving the car more than he does cleaning it, which is pretty evident in the pictures. This thing gets beat on regularly and was doing 150 MPH on the Autobahn even before the break-in period was over!
Here is the car as I began, VERY dirty with some serious scratches. Not good for a car that is barely a year old.
Here you can see some light hologram swirls.
More swirling.
Some of the more noticeable scratches.
The worst of the scratches, I had to use a 1000 grit wetsand > 2000 grit wetsand > 3" PFW M105 > 5.5" Blue LC HydroTech M205 in order to get it to smooth out. In non-detailer speak, I had to polish the **** out of it. There were similar deep scratches found on the trunk.
The car was given an ONR presoak,
ONR mitt wash,
Engine bay rinsed and degreased,
Dried with a Monster Shamrock MF towel,
Stoner Tarminator applied to the lower portion of car and bumpers,
Clay bar on lower portion of car and bumpers,
Wetsanding where necessary,
3" PFW M105 applied via PC7424 where necessary,
5.5" Orange HydroTech M105 via PC7424,
5.5" Blue HydroTech M205 via PC7424,
Wheels sealed with M21,
One coat of Blackfire paint sealant applied by LC 6.5" Black finishing pad via PC7424,
Two coats of Pinnacle Signature Series II paste wax applied by hand,
Door seals treated with 1Z Gummi Pfledge,
Interior surfaces cleaned and protected with Lexol (2 step),
Glass cleaned with ONR and protected with M21,
Convertible top cleaned and protected with 303 cleaner/protectant,
Plastic trim and tires treated with Griot's Garage rubber/vinyl trim dressing.
This was done from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., and the results speak for themselves...