Small update on rinseless wash products in the washing section. I'll get more done tonight, I promise.
Shawn, I think what would probably work best for you (read ease of use, minimal time required, and maximum effect on cleanliness and shine) is as follows...
A bottle of ONR
Meguiar's Clay Bar kit
A bottle of Klasse AIO
A bottle of Chemical Guy's Acrylic Glaze II
A bottle of Optimum Opti-Seal spray wax/Optimum Car Wax spray
A pack of cheap chinese microfiber from Autozone/wherever
A (3) pack of Cobra Shamrock microfiber towels
About 4-5 quality microfiber applicators/foam waxing discs
Eagle1 wheel cleaner
Meguiar's Hot Shine tire shine
The ONR you can use for your wash as described in the first post.
The clay kit should get your paint nice and cleaned up for waxing.
After the claying you should apply a veeery thin coat of the CG Glaze, if you're unsure whether there is still product on the applicator then you know it's thin enough. It is rather difficult to remove if it cures too thick. If applying the sun just do a single panel at a time and wipe off before starting the next panel, if in the shade or garage you can do the whole car and let it sit for about a half hour to cure before wiping off. The glaze is an acrylic filler, so if there is any swirling on your car it should help to fill in those scratches (I'm against using fillers as it is a crutch towards having a properly scratch free finish, but in this case it is the best option rather than having you go buy a $200 buffer kit). The reason why I suggest this particular glaze is because it is acrylic and not carnuba, the Klasse AIO is acrylic as well so you can apply the Klasse on top of the glaze and still have maximum bond strength and durability.
Next is the Klasse application, apply exactly as you did the glaze except even thinner. You should only need 8-10 pea sized drops to cover the entire car, any more and you're wasting the product. A thicker application will still only bond at the thinnest layer. The Klasse can be used on all rubber/plastic/vinyl trim as a dressing as well so don't worry about leaving any wax residue, because there won't be any! It should leave a nice deep black matte shine on all the trim for months to come. You can also use this on your windows, it will protect and bead up water better than RainX and won't leave a hazy finish.
After the Klasse you can apply your spray wax, the Opti-Seal is more expensive per volume but will deliver unparalleled protection and shine for the price. I have never used OCW personally but have read amazing reviews about it, it will have significantly less protection as the Opti-Seal but will deliver great shine. The Opti-Seal is probably overkill as the Klasse offers 4-6+ months of protection, and the Opti-Seal is similar in durability. If you like the sound of overkill, go ahead and use the Opti-Seal over the Klasse and the OCW over the Opti-Seal, your car will be shiny as hell and protected from just about all forms of road grime. Application of both of these spray waxes is very easy, just wipe on and wipe off. The Opti-Seal should be used very very very sparingly, an 8 ounce bottle is enough to wax about 20 cars, two sprays should cover half a car. You will want to spray your applicator and not the panel, when wiping you should see the product disappear a few seconds after wiping. The OCW can be used more liberally, spray a panel down trying to achieve even coverage and wipe the product off.
Use the Cobra Shamrock towels (or something with similar plushness, at least 500 grams/inch) on your paint, you can fold them so each side has 4 sections. When soiled just fold to a clean section.
The cheap chinese microfiber is for use on any area that is extremely dirty that doesn't matter if scratched, such as the wheels, wheel wells, interior surfaces, windows, door jambs, etc.
For the wheels, presoak with your quick detail solution of ONR, let that sit for a few minutes and then wipe off. If there is still some stuck on brake dust use the Eagle1 wheel cleaner, this is a fairly strong product so use it sparingly. Just spray on, let soak for a minute or so, and then wipe off. This process applies for the tires as well.
Once cleaned, you can apply the Hot Shine tire dressing with an old sock or other disposable applicator. Wax the wheels using your Klasse AIO.
Most of these products (Klasse, Opti-Seal, OCW, ONR, Cobra MF, Chemical Guys) you won't be able to find at your neighborhood Autozone, so you'll have to order them online.
My favorite supply site is www.autogeek.net, as they have a huge selection and price matching! Right now if you use the code 15BELOW you can get 15% off your entire order, if you spend $75 or more you get a free Pinnacle Crystal Mist Detail Spray (good stuff!).
When/If you get a chance, can you take a peak at my thread in Member's Rides for the WRX, and give me a pretty simple breakdown such as above, for a DIY detail? She's going to need some work, but I want to attempt to do it myself, with the use of your helpful guide!