Thanks,, your ride looks nice with the smoked tails,, great job
I prefer not to use alcohol for the simple fact that Alcohol causes premature adhesive FAILURE using alittle Alcohol in your solution it will help the film tack up quicker,, but whatever works for you. I personally don't have much of a problem bubbles after installation,,
EVERY vinyl film supplier tell us the Same thing over and over again,, Do Not use glass cleaners to prep the surface because of the contaminates that it leaves behind.. and I've seen that too! lol
Originally Posted by
G-sus! Here is a trick for you FLA/warm location guys...Let the film sit in the sun for a few minutes before starting the application. Warm film is much easier to work with (before you even fire up the torch/heatgun). Especially on curvy areas!
hate to burst your bubble but if you laid the vinly film in the sun for 2 days it would do NOTHING to help wrap around the corners..but thats true if the film is warmer it works well,, and I don't like to wait so I'll use the heat gun right away.
IF you watch any of my install videos or ANY vinyl suppliers install videos you will see it takes HEAT to form the film around the corners,, simply leaving it in the sun does absolutly Nothing to help with the intsall except waste time!
the reason you had No problems with your tails is because your tails curve ONE way not 2 so ,, heat is not needed untill you go to tuck the film over the edge..<< you did tuck the film ?? right? can't really tell,, like I said ,, your ride looks great!
everyone has there own way of doing something,, rather its right or wrong all that matters is your happy with the finished product and installation..
I promise that if you use my methods of installations you will find that it was FASTER, CLEANER, and MOST of all EASIER,, because I've done all the hard ways,, lol ,, a few tricks can go a long way,,,
Heres some more install videos ... Note that the heat gun is what makes the film mold to the curve of the lens!!
YouTube - Transparent Vinyl installation
YouTube - larrys 001