How To Install JDM Headlights and Corners on B14's

I've been meaning to get around to posting this up, just didn't have time. I know there is another thread about installing the headlights, but there are no pics in there.
First things first, buy the Headlights and Corners.
You can get them from the forum member "Liuspeed" or his website.
You will need an 9003/H4 harness, which can be found in Autzone
1. Unhook your battery
2. Take the screw off that holds the corners to the headlight. Do this for both sides.

3. You will need to pull out the corner, it takes a little bit of work to get it out. Sometimes it might feel like your breaking it, do your best to carefully take it out. Unhook the wire that goes into the corner light bulb.

4. Take out the light bulb out of the corner

Now you will notice that USDM light bulb plastic holder has 4 flaps, while the JDM ones only have 3


5. You will have to use your USDM light bulb and plastic holder, because JDM ones have a different plug. USDM ones are designed to both stay on with the as turning lights. JDM ones are only meant for either staying on or as a turning light.
To be able to fit in your USDM light bulb/plastic you will need to cut off 3 flaps, leaving the biggest flap alone.

6. Try to fit in the USDM light bulb and plastic into the JDM corner. It was a perfect fit for me, but it might be different for other people.

Now if you compare the USDM and JDM corners, you will see why it is very difficult to use JDM headlights with USDM corners, and vise versa


JDM Headlight:

7. OPTIONAL Now its time to take off your stock headlights. I had the most issues with this, because my bolts were rusted etc. So I didn't bother with taking pictures on how to take them off because I had to go with this method:

8. Now since your headlights are off it's time to work with your new headlights.
A. JDM headlights come with an extra hole for city driving lights, now since our cars don't have an extra wire to even hook them up, we will just cover up the hole. You can do what ever your mind feels like, but here is what I did.

I got some metallic tape:

Cut it in pieces:

And finally taped it on:

Started working on patching the back side:

B. The grill holders, these are not needed unless you are planning on taking off the stock grill holder.
NOTE - You do NOT have to cut off the grill holders on the headlights. You can just take off the stock grill mounts and then use the headlight's grill mounts for your grill :biggthump

I cut them off:

(Thats my dad's butt, he was grinding away the rusted bolts)
Last edited by Vadim
on 2011-03-01
at 03-54-56.