Originally Posted by
That may not be a bad book to pick up. According to previews at least. I'm gonna look for it in the morning.
To be specific.....
HP Books - 1541
"How To Build Performance Nissan Sport Compacts 1991-2006" by author Sara Forst.
Awesome book. Highly recommended.
Originally Posted by
Jose, its funny how people are constantly looking for ways to be faster, but conveniently forget about wanting to stop, LOL.
That blows my mind.
I want new CSK's, a Nissan OEM brake upgrade....and
then my VE.
Serious power infusion
last. When my suspension and brakes are fully up the task.
Originally Posted by
One of these days when I have a lot of time I want to compile a brake thread similar to Shawn's suspension thread...
Originally Posted by
That was the idea when I started this. But I'm quickly finding out it's a LOT of work. But I'm slowly getting it together.
Originally Posted by
You can say that again.
Thanks for the compliments and acknowledgment guys.
Yes, The Suspension Thread was a
lengthy process, measured in months and hundreds of hours. Newbs have no clue whatsover on the amount of effort it took to compile an 81-page (probably more now) manifesto on our suspensions. Which is half the size of Sarah Forst's entire book, but on one (1) subject only.
However, I look at how many times (67,000+) folks have clicked-on that thread (both the Dash and SR20Forum), and how many folks
do appreciate that work, and it was (and is) all worthwhile. Successful beyond my wildest imagination.
Joekuh, you rock for taking on this daunting "Brake Thread" task. Creating a necessary resource that will be an invaluable educational tool for our community.
Now when I am ready to do my brakes, I have one (1) comprehensive thread to read.