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Thread: The Ultimate Wideband o2 Sensor Shootout - Credits to Mike Kojima

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2010-02-02 16:20:32
The Ultimate Wideband o2 Sensor Shootout - Credits to Mike Kojima
The Ultimate Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio Meter Test: Part 1

Credits belong to Mike Kojima and staffers/testers/coffee boys/etc. at MotoIQ
2010-02-02 16:36:34
great information in that link for a noob like me:o
2010-02-09 16:54:36
link is dead
2010-02-14 13:43:06
Updated the link, sorry it took me a few days.
2010-02-14 17:51:23
They need to make a part 2 and actually compare all the different brands of widebands and see which is the best.
2010-02-14 18:23:28
Originally Posted by insane
They need to make a part 2 and actually compare all the different brands of widebands and see which is the best.


click 'next page'
2010-02-14 19:10:19
that had me rolling!
2010-05-29 01:41:22
I clicked next page and it just continues to explain the difference between wide and narrow band. I'm still searching for the actual tests of the different wide bands.
2010-05-29 10:53:29
The picture at the start fo the article looked very familiar and i remembered i had read an article linked from the innovate website when i was reseraching widebands. see the PDF here. This article was the reason i bought an LC-1 and have been very happy with it.

2011-01-10 22:18:30
The Ultimate Wideband Air/Fuel Ratio Meter Test Part 1

^I checked this out. Good read.

1.) AEM Wideband Analog Gauge Analog Wideband Air/Fuel Gauge

2.) AEM UEGO Wideband Air Fuel Ratio Controller Gauge - P/N: 30-4100

^What you guys think about these widebands? Seems like option #2 is maybe a bit better. Looks like I'm going to be running a RT NIStune ECU if this helps on your reply.
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