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Ok, I'll go with the 1.6L B14 HP line for for sure, but now what about the LP line? What is the best fix for that? I might get something custom made. I'm hardcore about having A/C in all my cars.
Just to clarify, I am using a B14 GA line on the suction(low) side of the system, and am using what I think is a stock B14 SR high side line. I just aquired a compressor from the PNP and now I am going to be putting it in, while I was there I got the high pressure hose because it looked diffrent, possibly better to clear the 02 housing, than the B14 SR line that I had to bend to get it to clear my o2 housing.
Supposidly you can use the B13 SR NX 93 line and it goes strait up from the compressor, doesn't jog back towards the frame rail under the alternator, then back to the firewall, like the B14 GA line.